
GTNetMon Swift Package

Integrate network monitoring capabilities in Swift projects!

Platform iOS Platform macOS Language License


GTNetMon is a lightweight Swift library that detects whether a device is connected to Internet, it identifies the connection type (wifi, cellular, and more), and monitors for changes in the network status. For both iOS & macOS.

Do you want GTNetMon as a pod? Check this out.

Integrating GTNetMon

To integrate GTNetMon into your projects follow the next steps:

  1. Copy the repository’s URL to GitHub.
  2. Open your project in Xcode.
  3. Go to menu File > Swift Packages > Add Package Dependency….
  4. Paste the URL, select the package when it appears and click Next.
  5. In the Rules leave the default option selected (Up to Next Major) and click Next.
  6. Finally select the GTNetMon-Swift-Package package and select the Target to add to; click Finish.

Using GTNetMon

Use GTNetMon singleton class to access all publicly available properties and methods through its shared instance.

Available properties are:

  • isConnected: Indicates whether the device is connected to Internet or not.
  • connectionType: The connection type as a GTNetMon.ConnectionType value (see next).
  • availableConnectionTypes: A collection of the available connection types to the device at a given moment.
  • isExpensive: An indication that the connection is expensive while the device is connected to Internet through cellular network. Note that this flag is more accurate when used in iOS versions >= 12.0.
  • isMonitoring: It indicates whether network status changes are being monitored or not.

In addition to the above, there are the following two methods:

  • startMonitoring(): It starts monitoring for network status changes.
  • stopMonitoring(): It stops monitoring for network status changes.


  1. It is recommended to start and stop monitoring in the applicationDidBecomeActive(_:) and applicationWillResignActive(_:) methods of the AppDelegate class respectively.
  2. Classes that want to be notified about monitored network status changes should observe for the GTNetMonNetworkStatusChangeNotification notification. It is posted whenever a change in the connection occurs.

Usage Example in iOS

Start and stop monitoring in the AppDelegate.swift file:

func applicationDidBecomeActive(_ application: UIApplication) {

func applicationWillResignActive(_ application: UIApplication) {

A simple view controller sample implementation that monitors for network changes:

import UIKit
import GTNetMon

class ViewController: UIViewController {

    override func viewDidLoad() {
        // Observe for the GTNetMonNetworkStatusChangeNotification notification.
        NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(handleStatusChange(notification:)), name: .GTNetMonNetworkStatusChangeNotification, object: nil)

    override func viewDidAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
    deinit {
    @objc func handleStatusChange(notification: Notification) {
    func showConnectionInfo() {
        print("Is connected: \(GTNetMon.shared.isConnected)")
        "\nAvailable Connection Types:"
        for type in GTNetMon.shared.availableConnectionTypes {
        print("\n\nCurrent Connection Type: \(GTNetMon.shared.connectionType.toString())")
        print("Is Expensive: \(GTNetMon.shared.isExpensive)")

About GTNetMon.ConnectionType

GTNetMon.ConnectionType is an enum with the following cases:

  • wifi
  • cellular
  • wiredEthernet
  • other
  • undefined


In iOS >= 12.0, the new Network framework of the iOS SDK is used to retrieve network information. In older iOS versions, SCNetworkReachability API is used instead.


Current up-to-date version is 1.0.3.


GTNetMon is licensed under the MIT license.

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