Add blur effect to any view in a simple, modern and declarative way.
GTBlurView is a Swift library that allows to add blur effect to any view with or without vibrancy in a modern and declarative fashion. Made for UIKit based projects on iOS.
Integrating GTBlurView
To integrate GTBlurView into your projects follow the next steps:
Copy the repository’s URL to GitHub.
Open your project in Xcode.
Go to menu File > Swift Packages > Add Package Dependency….
Paste the URL, select the package when it appears and click Next.
In the Rules leave the default option selected (Up to Next Major) and click Next.
Select the GTBlurView package and select the Target to add to; click Finish.
In Xcode, select your project in the Project navigator and go to General tab.
Add GTBlurView framework under Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content section.
Don’t forget to import GTBlurView module anywhere you are about to use it:
import GTBlurView
Public API
// -- Class Methods
// Create a `GTBlurView` view with a blur effect visual effect view
// and add it to the given parent view.
// Remove the `GTBlurView` instance and all of its subviews from the given view.
// Remove `GTBlurView` instance and all of its subviews from the given view animated.
// -- Instance Methods
// Change the default blur style.
// Add vibrancy to blur effect.
// Add a subview to vibrancy effect view.
// Remove `GTBlurView` instance and its contents on tap.
// Show the `GTBlurView` instance containing the blur effect without animation.
// Show the `GTBlurView` instance containing the blur effect view animated.
Usage Example
The simplest and fastest way to add blur effect to a view is the following:
GTBlurView.addBlur(to: self).show()
// or
GTBlurView.addBlur(to: someView).show()
where self and someView are UIView objects.
Blur view can be shown animated as well:
GTBlurView.addBlur(to: someView).showAnimated()
Animation duration and completion handler can be optionally provided. Default animation duration is 0.4 seconds.
GTBlurView.addBlur(to: self).showAnimated(duration: 0.25) {
// do something upon completion...
Both show() and showAnimated(duration:completion:) methods return a GTBlurView instance but they are marked with the @discardableResult attribute. That way assigning it to a variable or property is optional and Xcode will not show any warnings in case you avoid to do so.
Blur Effect Style
Default blur effect style is .regular. Override it like so:
It’s possible to remove blur view by just tapping on it. Use the removeOnTap(animated:animationDuration:delay:actionHandler:completion:) method to enable it.
GTBlurView.addBlur(to: self)
.removeOnTap(animated: true, animationDuration: 0.25, actionHandler: {
// Do something when tapping on GTBlurView instance...
}, completion: {
// Do something when GTBlurView instance has been removed...
Note that the only required argument is the animated value. All the rest are optional, and pass only those necessary to your implementation. Also:
actionHandler closure can be used to trigger additional actions right when the blur view is tapped.
completion closure is called when blur view dismissal is finished.
Use Vibrancy
To use vibrancy effect along with the blur effect use the useVibrancy() method:
See the documentation of the VibrancySubviewsLayoutRulesenum for details about laying out subviews to vibrancy effect view.
Removing Blur View
One way to remove a blur view is by using the removeOnTap(animated:animationDuration:delay:actionHandler:completion:) method as shown above. Besides that, there are two ways to manually remove it:
Animation duration and a completion handler can be optionally provided:
GTBlurView.addBlur(to: someView).show()
GTBlurView.removeAnimated(from: someView, duration: 0.25) {
// do something once blur view has been removed...
Putting Everything Together
GTBlurView.addBlur(to: self)
.set(style: .regular)
.addVibrancySubview(someView, layoutRules: .none)
.removeOnTap(animated: true, animationDuration: 0.25, actionHandler: {
// Do something when tapping on GTBlurView instance...
}, completion: {
// Do something when GTBlurView instance has been removed...
.showAnimated(duration: 0.25)
To change blur transparency level you can change the alpha value of the returned GTBlurView instance by any of the show() or showAnimated(duration:completion:) methods.
Read the documentation of each method using Xcode’s Quick Help for additional details.
Add blur effect to any view in a simple, modern and declarative way.
GTBlurView is a Swift library that allows to add blur effect to any view with or without vibrancy in a modern and declarative fashion. Made for UIKit based projects on iOS.
Integrating GTBlurView
To integrate
into your projects follow the next steps:Don’t forget to import
module anywhere you are about to use it:Public API
Usage Example
The simplest and fastest way to add blur effect to a view is the following:
are UIView objects.Blur view can be shown animated as well:
Animation duration and completion handler can be optionally provided. Default animation duration is 0.4 seconds.
methods return aGTBlurView
instance but they are marked with the@discardableResult
attribute. That way assigning it to a variable or property is optional and Xcode will not show any warnings in case you avoid to do so.Blur Effect Style
Default blur effect style is
. Override it like so:Remove On Tap
It’s possible to remove blur view by just tapping on it. Use the
method to enable it.Note that the only required argument is the
value. All the rest are optional, and pass only those necessary to your implementation. Also:actionHandler
closure can be used to trigger additional actions right when the blur view is tapped.completion
closure is called when blur view dismissal is finished.Use Vibrancy
To use vibrancy effect along with the blur effect use the
method:To add subviews to vibrancy’s content view call the
method:See the documentation of the
for details about laying out subviews to vibrancy effect view.Removing Blur View
One way to remove a blur view is by using the
method as shown above. Besides that, there are two ways to manually remove it:Without animation
With animation
Animation duration and a completion handler can be optionally provided:
Putting Everything Together
To change blur transparency level you can change the
value of the returnedGTBlurView
instance by any of theshow()
methods.Read the documentation of each method using Xcode’s Quick Help for additional details.
Current up-to-date version is 1.0.2.
GTBlurView is licensed under the MIT license.