Both File and Dir implement the following functions / properties:
/// The absolute path:
/// `File("path: ./").absolutePath #=> /var/folders/6d/FranciumTests-61688042-63CA-4E70-A9A6-31BBBB12FD38/`
public var absolutePath: String
/// Does the entry exist?
public var isExisting: Bool
/// The base name
/// `File("path: /usr/bin/testfile.swift") #=> testfile.swift`
public var basename: String
/// The file (or directory) name without the final extension
/// `File("path: testfile.rb").name #=> testfile`
public var name: String
public var isDirectory: Bool
/// The name of the directory
/// `File("path: testfile.rb").dirname #=> /var/folders/6d`
/// `Dir("path: ./").dirname #=> /var/folders/6d`
public var dirName: String
public var modificationDate: Date?
public var creationDate: Date?
// ---- Path
public func delete() throws
public func rename(to newName: String) throws
public func move(to dir: Dir, newName: String? = nil) throws
public func copy(to dir: Dir, newName: String? = nil) throws
// ---- Permissions
public func chmod(_ value: Int)
public var permissions: Int?
/// The extension name
/// `File("path: testfile.rb").extensionName #=> rb`
public var extensionName: String
public static func create(path: String, permissions: Int = 0o0777) throws -> File
public func create() throws
public func write(data: Data) throws
public func write(string: String) throws
public func append(string: String) throws
public func append(data: Data) throws
public func read() throws -> Data
public var contents: String?
public static func create(path: String,
withIntermediateDirectories: Bool = true,
permissions: Int = 0o0777) throws -> Dir
public func make(withIntermediateDirectories: Bool = true) throws
public func glob(_ pattern: String) -> [File]
public func empty(recursively: Bool = true) throws
Francium is part of the E-sites iOS Suite.
A small library to use for your file system.
And then
implement the following functions / properties:File