This is a basic application in which a collections of pictures from the public feed of Flickr are displayed. Flickr API is linked here
Installation (Will Require Xcode v11+)
Clone or download the project > open .xcodeproj > Wait for the dependencies to load (you can check their progress in the organiser tab) > Build and Run
A display of public images which give you some information about the image on clicking the image.
Animations of 0.5 secs on selecting a photo
Architechture used is MVVM and the project is written in Swift
Dependency is managed by Swift Package Manager
Library used for image caching and smooth scrolling is SDWebImage. You can find the package here
This is a basic application in which a collections of pictures from the public feed of Flickr are displayed. Flickr API is linked here
Installation (Will Require Xcode v11+)
Clone or download the project > open .xcodeproj > Wait for the dependencies to load (you can check their progress in the organiser tab) > Build and Run
Swift Package Manager
. You can find the package here