extension Endpoint {
// Base endpoint
static var base: Endpoint { "https://some.api.com" }
// Health check API endpoint
static var healthCheck: Endpoint { base / "health" } // https://some.api.com/health
// User API endpoints
static var user: Endpoint { base / "user" }
static var login: Endpoint { user / "login" }
static var profile: Endpoint { user / "profile" } // https://some.api.com/user/profile
2. Send requests
e.g. Send a GET request
// A GET request type
struct HealthCheckRequest: GETRequest {
var endpoint: Endpoint { .healthCheck }
// Send a request [async version]
do {
let request = HealthCheckRequest()
let _ = try await HTTPClient().send(request).result.get()
} catch {
// Send a request [callback version]
let request = HealthCheckRequest()
HTTPClient().send(request) { response in
switch response.result {
case .success:
case .failure(let error):
e.g. Send a POST request and decode the response JSON
// A type corresponding to response JSON such as `{ "name": "...", "age": ... }`
struct Profile: Decodable {
let name: String
let age: Int
// A POST request type
struct ProfileRequest: POSTRequest, DecodingRequest {
typealias Response = Profile
let userID: Int
var endpoint: Endpoint { .profile }
var body: [String: Any] {
["user_id": userID]
// Send a request [async version]
do {
let request = ProfileRequest(userID: 100)
let profile = try await HTTPClient().send(request).result.get()
// The type of `profile` is `Profile`
print("User name:", profile.name)
} catch {
// Send a request [callback version]
let request = ProfileRequest(userID: 100)
HTTPClient().send(request, decodingCompletion: { response in
switch response.result {
case .success(let profile):
// The type of `profile` is `Profile`
print("User name:", profile.name)
case .failure(let error):
Using Firework in your project
To use the Firework library in a SwiftPM project, add the following line to the dependencies in your Package.swift file:
Firework is a wrapper for Alamofire.
1. Define endpoints
2. Send requests
e.g. Send a
requeste.g. Send a
request and decode the response JSONUsing Firework in your project
To use the
library in a SwiftPM project, add the following line to the dependencies in yourPackage.swift
file:and add
as a dependency for your target:Finally, add
import Firework
in your source code.