FineJSON provides FineJSONEncoder and FineJSONDecoder which are more useful encoder of Codable. They alternates standard Foundation‘s JSONEncoder and JSONDecoder. This library helps practical requirements in real world which is weird sometime.
struct A : Codable {
var a: Int
var b: String
var c: Int?
var d: String?
func testKeyOrder() throws {
let a = A(a: 1, b: "b", c: 2, d: "d")
let e = FineJSONEncoder()
let json = String(data: try e.encode(a), encoding: .utf8)!
let expected = """
"a": 1,
"b": "b",
"c": 2,
"d": "d"
XCTAssertEqual(json, expected)
Foundation.JSONEncoder does not define key order. So you may get this.
"d": "d",
"b": "b",
"c": 2,
"a": 1
Control Optional.none encoding
You can specify Optional.none encoding.
Default is key absence which is same as Foundation.
func testNoneKeyAbsence() throws {
let a = A(a: 1, b: "b", c: nil, d: "d")
let e = FineJSONEncoder()
let json = String(data: try e.encode(a), encoding: .utf8)!
let expected = """
"a": 1,
"b": "b",
"d": "d"
XCTAssertEqual(json, expected)
You can specify to emit explicit null for such key.
func testNoneExplicitNull() throws {
let a = A(a: 1, b: "b", c: nil, d: "d")
let e = FineJSONEncoder()
e.optionalEncodingStrategy = .explicitNull
let json = String(data: try e.encode(a), encoding: .utf8)!
let expected = """
"a": 1,
"b": "b",
"c": null,
"d": "d"
XCTAssertEqual(json, expected)
Control indent width
You can specify indent width.
func testIndent4() throws {
let a = A(a: 1, b: "b", c: 2, d: "d")
let e = FineJSONEncoder()
e.jsonSerializeOptions = JSON.SerializeOptions(indentString: " ")
let json = String(data: try e.encode(a), encoding: .utf8)!
let expected = """
"a": 1,
"b": "b",
"c": 2,
"d": "d"
XCTAssertEqual(json, expected)
Oneline style is also supported.
func testOnelineFormat() throws {
let a = A(a: 1, b: "b", c: 2, d: "d")
let e = FineJSONEncoder()
e.jsonSerializeOptions = JSON.SerializeOptions(isPrettyPrint: false)
let json = String(data: try e.encode(a), encoding: .utf8)!
let expected = """
XCTAssertEqual(json, expected)
And prettyprint is default.
Handling arbitrary digits number
JSON supports arbitrary digits originally. You can handle this by JSONNumber type.
struct B : Codable {
var x: JSONNumber
var y: JSONNumber
func testArbitraryNumber() throws {
let json1 = """
"x": 1234567890.1234567890,
"y": 0.01
let d = FineJSONDecoder()
var b = try d.decode(B.self, from: .utf8)!)
var y = Decimal(string: b.y.value)!
y += Decimal(string: "0.01")!
b.y = JSONNumber(y.description)
let e = FineJSONEncoder()
let json2 = String(data: try e.encode(b), encoding: .utf8)!
let expected = """
"x": 1234567890.1234567890,
"y": 0.02
XCTAssertEqual(json2, expected)
Foundation.JSONEncoder can not do this. So you may get this with Float.
"x": 1234567936,
"y": 0.019999999552965164
Weak typing primitive decoding
JSON number and string are each compatible during decoding.
struct C : Codable {
var id: Int
var name: String
func testWeakTypingDecoding() throws {
let json = """
"id": "123",
"name": 4869.57
let d = FineJSONDecoder()
let c = try d.decode(C.self, from: .utf8)!)
XCTAssertEqual(, 123)
XCTAssertEqual(, "4869.57")
You can use JSON type to handle complex structure.
struct F : Codable {
var name: String
var data: JSON
func testJSONTypeProperty() throws {
let json = """
"name": "john",
"data": [
{ "bbb": "ccc" }
let d = FineJSONDecoder()
let f = try d.decode(F.self, from: .utf8)!)
XCTAssertEqual(, "john")
XCTAssertEqual(, JSON.array(JSONArray([
"bbb": .string("ccc")
Customizing JSON key with keeping Codable methods auto synthesis
You can customize JSON key for property with Codable methods auto synthesis.
struct G : Codable, JSONAnnotatable {
static let keyAnnotations: JSONKeyAnnotations = [
"id": JSONKeyAnnotation(jsonKey: "no"),
"userName": JSONKeyAnnotation(jsonKey: "user_name")
var id: Int
var point: Int
var userName: String
func testAnnotateJSONKey() throws {
let json1 = """
"no": 1,
"point": 100,
"user_name": "john"
let d = FineJSONDecoder()
var g = try d.decode(G.self, from: .utf8)!)
XCTAssertEqual(, 1)
XCTAssertEqual(g.point, 100)
XCTAssertEqual(g.userName, "john")
g.point += 3
let e = FineJSONEncoder()
let json2 = String(data: try e.encode(g), encoding: .utf8)!
let expect = """
"no": 1,
"point": 103,
"user_name": "john"
XCTAssertEqual(json2, expect)
Default value for absent key
You can specify default value for property which is used when JSON key is absent.
struct H : Codable, JSONAnnotatable {
static let keyAnnotations: JSONKeyAnnotations = [
"language": JSONKeyAnnotation(defaultValue: JSON.string("Swift"))
var name: String
var language: String
func testDefaultValue() throws {
let json = """
"name": "john"
let d = FineJSONDecoder()
let h = try d.decode(H.self, from: .utf8)!)
XCTAssertEqual(, "john")
XCTAssertEqual(h.language, "Swift")
Auto location information decoding
Location information decoding can be enabled from annotation.
func testAutoLocationDecoding() throws {
let json = """
// comment
"name": "b"
let decoder = FineJSONDecoder()
let x = try decoder.decode(C.self, from: .utf8)!)
XCTAssertEqual(x.location, SourceLocation(offset: 11, line: 2, columnInByte: 1))
XCTAssertEqual(, "b")
let encoder = FineJSONEncoder()
let json2 = String(data: try encoder.encode(x), encoding: .utf8)!
XCTAssertEqual(json2, """
"name": "b"
Supported building environment
SwiftPM for mac, iOS.
Carthage for mac, iOS.
Manual xcworkspace for mac, iOS.
This is my favorite.
Detail is here
Coding for URL, Date
This library serializes URL as not string but object in JSON.
It differ from Foundation.JSONEncoder, .JSONDecoder.
Bacause this library uses native coding definition for these types.
Foundation coders serialize them as string by following their internal custom coding logics.
FineJSON provides
which are more useful encoder ofCodable
. They alternates standardFoundation
. This library helps practical requirements in real world which is weird sometime.Index
Working code of all example code in this section are in
.Allowing unnecessary trailing commas
Decoder allows unnecessary trailing comma.
Allowing comments
Decoder allows comments in JSON.
Line number information in parse error
Parser error tells location in JSON. line number, column number (in byte offset), byte offset.
File path also can be passed to decoder. It improves debugging experience.
Location information from decoder
You can get location information from
.See also auto location information decoding.
Keeping JSON key order
Encoder keeps JSON key order.
does not define key order. So you may get this.Control
encodingYou can specify
encoding.Default is key absence which is same as
.You can specify to emit explicit null for such key.
Control indent width
You can specify indent width.
Oneline style is also supported.
And prettyprint is default.
Handling arbitrary digits number
JSON supports arbitrary digits originally. You can handle this by
can not do this. So you may get this withFloat
.Weak typing primitive decoding
JSON number and string are each compatible during decoding.
You can customize this behavior by inject your object which conforms to
.Handling complex JSON structure directly
You can use
type to handle complex structure.Customizing JSON key with keeping
methods auto synthesisYou can customize JSON key for property with
methods auto synthesis.Default value for absent key
You can specify default value for property which is used when JSON key is absent.
Auto location information decoding
Location information decoding can be enabled from annotation.
Supported building environment
SwiftPM for mac, iOS.
Carthage for mac, iOS.
Manual xcworkspace for mac, iOS. This is my favorite. Detail is here
Coding for
This library serializes
as not string but object in JSON. It differ fromFoundation.JSONEncoder
. Bacause this library uses native coding definition for these types.Foundation
coders serialize them as string by following their internal custom coding logics.License