t is a simple testing framework using closures and errors. You have the ability to create a suite that has multiple steps, expectations, and asserts. Expectations can be used to expect one or multiple assertions. t can be used to test quickly inside a function to make sure something is working as expected. t can also be used in unit test if wanted.
c is a simple composition framework. You have the ability to create transformations that are either unidirectional or bidirectional. There is also a cache that values can be set and resolved. c can be used anywhere to create transformations or interact with the cache.
o is a simple framework to output to a file, url, the console, or even register notification using UserNotifications. o can also get input from a file, url, or console. Currently, o can be used on macOS, iOS, and watchOS.
t.suite {
// Add an expectation that asserting true is true and that 2 is equal to 2
try t.expect {
try t.assert(true)
try t.assert(2, isEqualTo: 2)
// Add an assertion that asserting false is not true
try t.assert(notTrue: false)
// Add an assertion that "Hello" is not equal to "World"
try t.assert("Hello", isNotEqualTo: "World")
// Log a message
t.log("📣 Test Log Message")
// Log a t.error
t.log(error: t.error(description: "Mock Error"))
// Log any error
struct SomeError: Error { }
t.log(error: SomeError())
// Add an assertion to check if a value is nil
let someValue: String? = nil
try t.assert(isNil: someValue)
// Add an assertion to check if a value is not nil
let someOtherValue: String? = "💠"
try t.assert(isNotNil: someOtherValue)
// Assert suite is true
t.suite {
try t.assert(true)
// Assert expectation is true
try t.expect("true is true and that 2 is equal to 2") {
try t.assert(true)
try t.assert(2, isEqualTo: 2)
// Assert is false
try t.assert(false)
Local Cache
let cache = c.cache()
cache.set(value: Double.pi, forKey: "🥧")
let pi: Double = cache.get("🥧") ?? 0
try t.assert(pi, isEqualTo: .pi)
let resolvedValue: Double = cache.resolve("🥧")
try t.assert(resolvedValue, isEqualTo: .pi)
Global Cache
let someCache: Cache = ...
// Set the value of a Cache with any hashable key
c.set(value: someCache, forKey: "someCache")
// Get an optional Cache using any hashable key
let anotherCache: Cache? = c.get(0)
// Require that a Cache exist using a `.get` with a force unwrap
let requiredCache: Cache = c.resolve(0)
let transformer = c.transformer(
from: { string in Int(string) },
to: { int in "\(String(describing: int))" }
let string = transformer.to(3)
let int = transformer.from("3")
try t.assert(transformer.to(int), isEqualTo: string)
o.console.out("Value to print: ", terminator: "") // (oTests/oTests.swift@7) [testExample()]: Value to print:
o.console.out(o.console.in()) // Type in "???"; (oTests/oTests.swift@8) [testExample()]: Optional("???")
let filename: String = ...
// Write the value 4, an Int, to the file named `filename`. Files using o.file are base64Encoded.
try o.file.out(4, filename: filename)
// Asserts
XCTAssertNoThrow(try o.file.in(filename: filename) as Int)
XCTAssertEqual(try? o.file.in(filename: filename), 4)
// Delete the File
try o.file.delete(filename: filename)
// Assert deletion
XCTAssertThrowsError(try o.file.in(filename: filename) as Int)
struct Post: Codable {
let userId: Int
let id: Int
let title: String
let body: String
// GET Request
url: URL(string: "api/posts")!,
successHandler: { (posts: [Post], response) in
// POST Request
let post = Post(userId: 1, id: 1, title: "First!", body: "")
try o.url.out(
url: URL(string: "api/posts/\(post.id)")!,
value: post,
successHandler: { data, response in
A collection of micro frameworks
t (FLet.testing): 🧪 Quickly test expectations
is a simple testing framework using closures and errors. You have the ability to create asuite
that has multiple steps, expectations, and asserts. Expectations can be used toexpect
one or multiple assertions.t
can be used to test quickly inside a function to make sure something is working as expected.t
can also be used in unit test if wanted.c (FLet.composition): 📦 Micro Composition using Transformations and Cache
is a simple composition framework. You have the ability to create transformations that are either unidirectional or bidirectional. There is also a cache that values can be set and resolved.c
can be used anywhere to create transformations or interact with the cache.o (FLet.transput): Output and Input for File, URL, and Console
is a simple framework to output to a file, url, the console, or even register notification using UserNotifications.o
can also get input from a file, url, or console. Currently,o
can be used on macOS, iOS, and watchOS.Usage
Local Cache
Global Cache
Shorthand Typealias