

This package is for parameterized testing.

Top-Level Struct

EG - (“for example”) - a struct to hold inputs and outputs. You typically create an array of EG values, then pass them to the check() method.

EG’s fields:

  • input: Input (generic) - the input arguments; use a tuple (or wrap in a struct or class) for multiple values. Use it to compute the actual value for your assertions.
  • expect: Output (generic) (label required) - the expected output. Use it to compute the expected value for your assertions.
  • message: String - a message you can attach to your assertions. Defaults to an empty string.
  • file: StaticString - the file name you would typically include as an argument to your assertions. Defaults to #file, so you usually omit this argument.
  • line: UInt - the line number you would typically include as an argument to your assertions. Defaults to #line, so you usually omit this argument.


EG("abcd", expect: 4, "length > 0")

msg() - provides the message from the EG struct, prefixed by its line number. You can use this as the message to your assertions.

XCTestCase Extensions

eg() - lets you create EG examples with the lower-case name eg. Takes the same arguments as the EG struct.

check() - runs a list of test cases against an assertion. With XCT assert functions, pass in the file and line so that your test case is highlighted if the assertion fails.

func check<Input, Output>(
    _ tests: [EG<Input, Output>],
    _ assertFunction: (EG<Input, Output>) -> ()) {...}

allPairs() - Creates a list of pairs of any types.

  func allPairs<T1, T2>(
    _ t1s: [T1],
    _ t2s: [T2])
      -> [(T1,T2)]

allTriples() - Creates a list of triples of any types.

  func allTriples<T1, T2, T3>(
    _ t1s: [T1],
    _ t2s: [T2],
    _ t3s: [T3]) 
      -> [(T1, T2, T3)]


Note that the XCTAssertEqual call passes the file and line. To see the difference in reporting, make a test case fail, run it, and compare it to what happens when file and line are omitted.

class Demo {
  func stringOfSum(_ a: Int, _ b: Int) -> String {
    return "\(a + b)"

final class ExampleTests: XCTestCase {
  func testStringOfSumAllPass() {
      EG((-1, 1), expect: "0", "zero"),
      eg((3, 0), expect: "3", "one-digit"),
      eg((-2, 1), expect: "-1", "negative")
    ]) { example in
      let my = Demo()
      let actual = my.stringOfSum(example.input.0, example.input.1)
      XCTAssertEqual(example.expect, actual, example.msg(), file: example.file, line: example.line)
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