DrX is a collection of convenience extensions of RxSwift which add new operators for concisely handling common patterns and/or scenarios. In addition to an agnostic core, DrX also supports iOS RxCocoa.
Cocoapods: pod 'DrX', '~> 3.0'. See DrX.podspec for more information.
Swift Package Manager: .package(url: "https://github.com/DuetHealth/DrX.git", "3.0.0" ..< "4.0.0")
Running tests
Run the command pod install to install the project’s test dependencies and generate the workspace. Open DrX.xcworkspace, select the framework target, and press ⌘ + U to execute the test action of the target.
DrX is MIT-licensed. The MIT license is included in the root of the repository.
DrX is a collection of convenience extensions of RxSwift which add new operators for concisely handling common patterns and/or scenarios. In addition to an agnostic core, DrX also supports iOS RxCocoa.
pod 'DrX', '~> 3.0'
. See DrX.podspec for more information.Carthage:
github "DuetHealth/DrX" ~> 3.0 && carthage update
Swift Package Manager:
.package(url: "https://github.com/DuetHealth/DrX.git", "3.0.0" ..< "4.0.0")
Running tests
Run the command
pod install
to install the project’s test dependencies and generate the workspace. OpenDrX.xcworkspace
, select the framework target, and press⌘ + U
to execute the test action of the target.License
DrX is MIT-licensed. The MIT license is included in the root of the repository.