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DocCMiddleware enables quick and efficient hosting of DocC documentation with Vapor.

This repository is a work in progress with many kinks to iron out and tests to write. Your issues and contributors are more than welcome!


There are only a few quick steps required to host your DocC documentation with Vapor.

1. Generate Documentation

First, you need to generate a .doccarchive. You can do this directly from Xcode 13+, or you can leverage the swift-docc-plugin.

See distributing documentation to external developers for an overview.

Your .doccarchive can technically live anywhere within your Vapor workspace (it does not have to live in the Public/ directory), but the default location that the middleware looks for is Docs/ in your workspace root.

2. Enable Middleware

Next, enable the middleware when your app is configuring, before you register routes. In a fresh Vapor project, this would take place in your configure.swift file.

To enable a single .doccarchive located at the root of your website, you just need to pass in the name of the archive.

app.middleware.use(DocCMiddleware(app: app, archive: "DocCMiddleware"))

You can also pass in a hosting base path, which must match the value you used when generating documentation with the --hosting-base-path option.

app.middleware.use(DocCMiddleware(app: app, archive: .init(name: "DocCMiddleware", hostingBasePath: "DocCMiddleware")))

If you did not pass the --hosting-base-path option when generating documentation, this will not work!

If you’re looking to host multiple .doccarchive files, you’re in luck – the middleware was designed to do just that.

app.middleware.use(DocCMiddleware(app: app, archives: ["Module1", "Module2", "Module3"]))

Because multiple .doccarchive files could not be located simultaneouly at the root, the above syntax assumes that each module uses its own name as a hosting base path.

And if you’d like to keep your docs in a different directory, such as Public/docs, that’s no problem either.

app.middleware.use(DocCMiddleware(documentationDirectory: app.directory.publicDirectory.appending("docs"), archive: "DocCMiddleware"))

3. View your Documentation

Finally, run your website and navigate to the documentation.

If you did not use --hosting-base-path, it can be seen at localhost:8080 by default.

If you did use --hosting-base-path, then the value you passed in is the route to navigate to. (eg. --hosting-base-path MyModule corresponds to localhost:8080/MyModule.)

Routes will redirect to <hosting-base-path>/documentation/MyModule by default. This is built into the way the .doccarchive works and is not configurable at this time.

To Do

  • Allow DocCMiddleware to serve up multiple .doccarchive files.
  • Fix sidebar rendering.
  • Allow the Middleware to serve static .doccarchives.
  • Clean up, optimize, and test the middleware.


See it in action!


Discussions, issues, and pull requests are more than welcome!


This project is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.

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