

DeviceDetector detects apple’s devices(iPhone and iPad) model by using identifier code. I referred to this wiki. It does not support old models that can’t install iOS 13

public final class DeviceDetector {
    public static let current = DeviceDetector()
    public let device: DeviceOptionSet
    public let deviceName: String
    public let isiPad: Bool
    public let isiPhone: Bool
    public let hasSafeArea: Bool
    private let deviceDict: NSDictionary
    private init(identifier: String? = nil) {
        if let appleDevices = Bundle.module.path(forResource: "Device", ofType: "plist"),
           let dict = NSDictionary(contentsOfFile: appleDevices) {
            deviceDict = dict
        else {
            deviceDict = [:]
        deviceName = UIDevice.current.deviceName(id: identifier, dict: deviceDict) ?? ""
        device = UIDevice.current.device(name: deviceName)
        isiPad = device.isSubset(of: .iPadSet)
        isiPhone = device.isSubset(of: .iPhoneSet)
        if isiPhone, device.isSubset(of: .iPhoneSafeAreaSet) {
            hasSafeArea = true
        else {
            hasSafeArea = false
    public convenience init?(id identifier: String) {
        self.init(identifier: identifier)


test3 test4 test1 test2
import UIKit
import DeviceDetector
class ViewController: UIViewController {
    @IBOutlet weak var label: UILabel!
    override func viewDidLoad() {
        let detector = DeviceDetector.current
        let deviceName = detector.deviceName
        let device = detector.device
        let information = """
        Model: \(deviceName)
        iPhone?: \(detector.isiPhone)
        iPad?: \(detector.isiPad)
        Notch?: \(detector.hasSafeArea)
        4inch?: \(device.isSubset(of: .iPhone4inchSet))
        4.7inch?: \(device.isSubset(of: .iPhone4_7inchSet))
        iPhoneSE?: \(device.isSubset(of: .iPhoneSESet))
        iPhonePlus?: \(device.isSubset(of: .iPhonePlusSet))
        iPadPro?: \(device.isSubset(of: .iPadProSet))
        label.text = information


You can check the device model not only physical device but also simulator.

  1. Check the current device

    import DeviceDetector
    DeviceDetector.current.device //DeviceOptionSet.iPhone11
  2. Check the current device name (String)

    import DeviceDetector
    DeviceDetector.current.deviceName //iPhone11
  3. Check whether iPhone or iPad

    import DeviceDetector
    DeviceDetector.current.isiPhone //true or false
    DeviceDetector.current.isiPad //true or false
  4. Device Groups It uses OptionSet. You can check Is your model subset of the device groups.

  • iPhoneSESet (iPhoneSE1, iPhoneSE2, iPhoneSE3)

    import DeviceDetector
    if DeviceDetector.current.device.isSubset(of: .iPhoneSESet) {
    print("This is iPhoneSE")
  • iPhonePlusSet (iPhone6Plus, iPhone7Plus, iPhone8Plus)

    import DeviceDetector
    if DeviceDetector.current.device.isSubset(of: .iPhonePlusSet) {
    print("This is iPhonePlus")
  • iPhone4_7inchSet (iPhoneSE2, iPhoneSE3, iPhone6, iPhone7, iPhone8)

    import DeviceDetector
    if DeviceDetector.current.device.isSubset(of: .iPhone4_7inchSet) {
    print("This is 4.7inch")
  • iPhone4inchSet (iPhoneSE1)

    import DeviceDetector
    if DeviceDetector.current.device.isSubset(of: .iPhone4inchSet) {
    print("This is 4inch")
  • iPhoneSafeAreaSet ```swift import DeviceDetector //Option 1. Use DeviceSet.iPhoneSafeAreaSet if DeviceDetector.current.device.isSubset(of: .iPhoneSafeAreaSet) { print(“This iPhone has safeArea”) }

//Option 2. DeviceDetector.shared.hasSafeArea DeviceDetector.current.hasSafeArea //true or false

- iPadProSet (iPadPro9_7inch, iPadPro10_5inch, iPadPro11inch, iPadPro12_9inch)
import DeviceDetector
if DeviceDetector.current.device.isSubset(of: .iPadProSet) {
  print("This is iPad Pro")


Above iOS 13

How to install, SPM

Use Swift Package Manager

UnitTest (23 tests)



Support Mac and Apple Watch

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