Manipulating and using CATransform3D for animations and interactions is pretty challenging… Decomposed makes CATransform3D, matrix_double4x4, and matrix_float4x4 much easier to work with.
Note: The API for Decomposed is still heavily being changed / optimized, so please feel free to give feedback and expect breaking changes as time moves on.
Specifically, I really want to figure out what to do about the Vector types introduced in this repository. If there are any issues with them please let me know; I’m actively sourcing ways to make it better.
Typically on iOS if you wanted to transform a CALayer you’d do something like:
let layer: CAlayer = ...
layer.transform = CATransform3DMakeScale(0.5, 0.5, 1.0)
However, what if you were given a transform from somewhere else? How would you know what the scale of the layer is? What if you wanted to set the scale or translation of a transform? Without lots of complex linear algebra, it’s not easy to do!
Decomposed aims to simplify this by allowing for CATransform3D, matrix_double4x4, and matrix_float4x4, to be decomposed, recomposed, and mutated without complex math.
Decomposition is the act of breaking something down into smaller components, in this case transformation matrices into things like translation, scale, etc. in a way that they can all be individually changed or reset. The following are supported:
Rotation (using Quaternions or Euler Angles)
It’s also powered by Accelerate, so it should introduce relatively low overhead for matrix manipulations.
Typically when doing interactive gestures with UIView and CALayer you’ll wind up dealing with implicit actions (animations) when changing transforms. Instead of wrapping your code in CATransactions‘s and disabling actions, Decomposed does this automatically for you.
// In some UIPanGestureRecognizer handling method
layer.translation = panGestureRecognizer.translation(in: self)
layer.scale = CGPoint(x: 0.75, y: 0.75)
Since namespace collision happens in Objective-C, you’re able to do similar changes via the transformProxy property. Changes to this proxy object will be applied to the layer’s transform with implicit animations disabled.
// In some UIPanGestureRecognizer handling method
layer.transformProxy.translation = [panGestureRecognizer translationInView:self];
layer.transformProxy.scale = CGPoint(x: 0.75, y: 0.75);
Anytime you change a property on a CATransform3D or matrix_double4x4, it needs to be decomposed, changed, and then recomposed. This can be expensive if done a lot, so it should be limited. If you’re making multiple changes at once, it’s better to change the DecomposedTransform and then call its recomposed() function to get a recomposed transform.
Sadly, simd doesn’t support storing CGFloat (even when they’re Double). To make this library easier to use (i.e. without casting everything to doubles all the time Double(some CGFloat) you’ll find CGVector3, CGVector4, and CGQuaternion, which wrap simd counterparts: simd_double3, simd_double4, and simd_quatd, respectively.
Translation, Scale, etc. are all type aliased (i.e. CGVector3 or CGVector4), and they all conform to ArrayLiteralRepresentable so you can use Array<CGFloat> to initialize them.
Note: This API is questionable in its current form as it collides with Swift’s Vector types (which are just simd types and part of me thinks everything should be exposed as simd types), so I’m happy to take feedback!
It also provides functionality to linearly interpolate from any transform to any transform via the Interpolatable protocol. This lets you easily animate / transition between transforms in a controlled manner.
Currently Decomposed supports Swift Package Manager, CocoaPods, Carthage, being used as an xcframework, and being used manually as an Xcode subproject. Pull requests for other dependency systems / build systems are welcome!
Swift Package Manager
Add the following to your Package.swift (or add it via Xcode’s GUI):
I don’t have any other workarounds at the moment, but if I do, I’ll make an update.
Add the following to your Cartfile:
Xcode Subproject
Add Decomposed.xcodeproj to your project
Add Decomposed.framework as an embedded framework (it’s a static library, so it should not be embedded).
Objective-C Notes
Objective-C support is not available through Swift Package Manager. Please use the manual Xcode subproject instead.
You’ll want to use #import <Decomposed/Decomposed.h> as this contains both the generated Swift interfaces for the Objective-C classes and CALayer categories.
Not all of the API is available due to limitations of how Swift / Objective-C interop. Sadly the API can’t be as nice, but CATransform3DDecomposed will allow for decomposition and recomposition of CATransform3D (similar classes exist for matrix_double4x4 and matrix_float4x4 and are wrappers around their Swift counterparts) as well as convenience categories on CALayer.
Other Recommendations
This library pairs very nicely with Motion, an animation engine for gesturally-driven user interfaces, animations, and interactions on iOS, macOS, and tvOS.
Animating a layer on a spring by modifying its transform has never been easier! Usually you’d have to manually wrap things in a CATransaction with actions disabled, and usage of CATransform3DTranslate gets pretty cumbersome.
With Decomposed + Motion this is super easy.
let layer = ...
let springAnimation = SpringAnimation<CGPoint>(initialValue: .zero)
springAnimation.onValueChanged(disableActions: true) { [layer] translation in
layer.translation = translation
// In your pan gesture recognizer callback
let translation = panGestureRecognizer.translation(in: self.view)
let velocity = panGestureRecognizer.velocity(in: self.view)
switch panGestureRecognizer.state {
case .began:
springAnimation.updateValue(to: .zero)
case .changed:
springAnimation.updateValue(to: translation)
layer.translation = translation
case .ended:
springAnimation.velocity = velocity
springAnimation.toValue = CGPoint(x: 200.0, y: 200.0) // wherever you want it to go
See the DraggingCard demo for a good example of this :)
Manipulating and using
for animations and interactions is pretty challenging… Decomposed makesCATransform3D
, andmatrix_float4x4
much easier to work with.Note: The API for Decomposed is still heavily being changed / optimized, so please feel free to give feedback and expect breaking changes as time moves on.
Specifically, I really want to figure out what to do about the Vector types introduced in this repository. If there are any issues with them please let me know; I’m actively sourcing ways to make it better.
Typically on iOS if you wanted to transform a
you’d do something like:However, what if you were given a transform from somewhere else? How would you know what the scale of the layer is? What if you wanted to set the scale or translation of a transform? Without lots of complex linear algebra, it’s not easy to do!
Decomposed aims to simplify this by allowing for
, andmatrix_float4x4
, to be decomposed, recomposed, and mutated without complex math.Decomposition is the act of breaking something down into smaller components, in this case transformation matrices into things like translation, scale, etc. in a way that they can all be individually changed or reset. The following are supported:
It’s also powered by Accelerate, so it should introduce relatively low overhead for matrix manipulations.
API Documentation is here.
Transform Modifications
Create a transform with a translation of 44pts on the Y-axis, rotated by .pi / 4.0 on the X-axis
Create a transform with a translation of 44pts on the Y-axis, rotated by .pi / 40 on the X-axis.
CALayer Extensions
Typically when doing interactive gestures with
you’ll wind up dealing with implicit actions (animations) when changing transforms. Instead of wrapping your code inCATransactions
‘s and disabling actions, Decomposed does this automatically for you.Swift
Since namespace collision happens in Objective-C, you’re able to do similar changes via the
property. Changes to this proxy object will be applied to the layer’s transform with implicit animations disabled.DecomposedTransform
Anytime you change a property on a
, it needs to be decomposed, changed, and then recomposed. This can be expensive if done a lot, so it should be limited. If you’re making multiple changes at once, it’s better to change theDecomposedTransform
and then call itsrecomposed()
function to get a recomposed transform.Swift
CGVector3 / CGVector4 / CGQuaternion
doesn’t support storingCGFloat
(even when they’reDouble
). To make this library easier to use (i.e. without casting everything to doubles all the timeDouble(some CGFloat)
you’ll findCGVector3
, andCGQuaternion
, which wrapsimd
, andsimd_quatd
, respectively.Translation
, etc. are all type aliased (i.e.CGVector3
), and they all conform toArrayLiteralRepresentable
so you can useArray<CGFloat>
to initialize them.Note: This API is questionable in its current form as it collides with Swift’s
types (which are just simd types and part of me thinks everything should be exposed assimd
types), so I’m happy to take feedback!Interpolatable
It also provides functionality to linearly interpolate from any transform to any transform via the
protocol. This lets you easily animate / transition between transforms in a controlled manner.Installation
Currently Decomposed supports Swift Package Manager, CocoaPods, Carthage, being used as an xcframework, and being used manually as an Xcode subproject. Pull requests for other dependency systems / build systems are welcome!
Swift Package Manager
Add the following to your
(or add it via Xcode’s GUI):CocoaPods
Add the following to your
:pod 'Decomposed'
A built xcframework is available for each tagged release.
For some reason, when using CocoaPods and the Objective-C parts of this library, you may see an error like:
Declaration of 'DEDecomposedCATransform3D' must be imported from module 'Decomposed.Swift' before it is required
.To fix this, you’ll need to use Objective-C++ files (i.e. rename from
) or change your imports to:I don’t have any other workarounds at the moment, but if I do, I’ll make an update.
Add the following to your
Xcode Subproject
to your projectDecomposed.framework
as an embedded framework (it’s a static library, so it should not be embedded).Objective-C Notes
#import <Decomposed/Decomposed.h>
as this contains both the generated Swift interfaces for the Objective-C classes and CALayer categories.CATransform3DDecomposed
will allow for decomposition and recomposition ofCATransform3D
(similar classes exist formatrix_double4x4
and are wrappers around their Swift counterparts) as well as convenience categories onCALayer
.Other Recommendations
This library pairs very nicely with Motion, an animation engine for gesturally-driven user interfaces, animations, and interactions on iOS, macOS, and tvOS.
Animating a layer on a spring by modifying its transform has never been easier! Usually you’d have to manually wrap things in a
with actions disabled, and usage ofCATransform3DTranslate
gets pretty cumbersome.With Decomposed + Motion this is super easy.
See the DraggingCard demo for a good example of this :)
Decomposed is licensed under the BSD 2-clause license.
Contact Info
Feel free to follow me on twitter: @b3ll!