
CI codecov.io CocoaPods compatible Platform Swift Package Manager compatible Packagist


Because this project main goal is to provide storage classes and mapping/event functionality for DTCollectionViewManager and DTTableViewManager, you should probably first read, why those two frameworks exist in the first place. This is described, for example, in Why document of DTCollectionViewManager.


  • Xcode 13+
  • Swift 5.3+
  • iOS 11+ / tvOS 11+ / macCatalyst 13+


Swift Package Manager

  • Add package into Project settings -> Swift Packages


pod 'DTModelStorage'

Storage classes

The goal of storage classes is to provide datasource models for UITableView/UICollectionView. Let’s take UITableView, for example. It’s datasource methods mostly relates on following:

  • sections
  • items in sections
  • section headers and footers / supplementary views

Storage protocol builds upon those elements to define common interface for all storage classes. SupplementaryStorage protocol extends Storage to provide methods on supplementary models / headers/ footers.

Here are five Storage implementations provided by DTModelStorage and links to detailed documentation on them:

Please note, that all five storages support the same interface for handling supplementary models - supplementary providers. You can read more about them in dedicated document.

ViewModelMapping and EventReaction

ViewModelMapping and EventReaction classes are a part of mapping system between data models and reusable views. You can read about how they are used and why in DTCollectionViewManager Mapping document as well as DTCollectionViewManager Events document
