version 4.4.0 - increase minimum OS version. remove SpinLock. Update readme.
Tranquillity is a lightweight but powerful dependency injection library for swift.
The name “Tranquillity” laid the foundation in the basic principles of library: clarity, simplicity and security.
It says - use the library and you will be calm for your dependencies.
Language switch: English, Russian
Dependency Injections is a software design pattern in which someone delivers dependencies to an object.
Is one form of the broader technique of Inversion Of Control and help the Dependency Inversion Principle
For more details you can read this link
Also I recommend you to read Glossary which will help to better understand the terms.
The library supports three popular package managers: Cocoapods, Carthage, SwiftPM.
Add the following lines to your Podfile:
pod 'DITranquillity'
You can use “Xcode/File/Swift Packages/Add Package Dependency…” and write github url:
Also you can edit your Package.swift and the following line into section dependencies:
.package(url: "", from: "4.4.0")
And don’t forget to specify in your section target wrote dependency line:
.product(name: "DITranquillity")
Attention! - SwiftPM unsupport features from the “UI” section.
Add the following lines to your Cartfile:
github "ivlevAstef/DITranquillity"
Carthage support “UI” and “GraphAPI” section no additional actions.
The library uses a declarative style of dependency description, and allows you to separate your application code from dependency description code.
For a quick entry, let’s look at an example code of one simplified VIPER screen:
................................................. /// Dependency description let container = DIContainer() container.register(LoginRouter.init) container.register(LoginPresenterImpl.init) .as(LoginPresenter.self) .lifetime(.objectGraph) container.register(LoginViewController.init) .injection(cycle: true, \.presenter) .as(LoginView.self) .lifetime(.objectGraph) container.register(AuthInteractorImpl.init) .as(AuthInteractor.self) ................................................. /// Application start point let router: LoginRouter = container.resolve() window.rootViewController = router.rootViewController router.start() ................................................. /// Application Code import SwiftLazy class LoginRouter { let rootViewController = UINavigationController() private let loginPresenterProvider: Provider<LoginPresenter> init(loginPresenterProvider: Provider<LoginPresenter>) { loginPresenterProvider = loginPresenterProvider } func start() { let presenter = loginPresenterProvider.value presenter.loginSuccessCallback = { [weak self] _ in ... } // Your can write code without force cast, it's code simple example rootViewController.push(presenter.view as! UIViewController) } } protocol LoginPresenter: class { var loginSuccessCallback: ((_ userId: String) -> Void)? func login(name: String, password: String) } protocol LoginView: class { func showError(text: String) } class LoginPresenterImpl: LoginPresenter { private weak var view: LoginView? private let authInteractor: AuthInteractor init(view: LoginView, authInteractor: AuthInteractor) { self.view = view self.authInteractor = authInteractor } func login(name: String, password: String) { if name.isEmpty || password.isEmpty { view?.showError(text: "fill input") return } authInteractor.login(name: name, password: password, completion: { [weak self] result in switch result { case .failure(let error): self?.view?.showError(text: "\(error)") case .success(let userId): self?.loginSuccessCallback?(userId) } }) } } class LoginViewController: UIViewController, LoginView { var presenter: LoginPresenter! ... func showError(text: String) { showAlert(title: "Error", message: text) } private func tapOnLoginButton() { presenter.login(name: nameTextField.text ?? "", password: passwordTextField.text ?? "") } } protocol AuthInteractor: class { func login(name: String, password: String, completion: (Result<String, Error>) -> Void) } class AuthInteractorImpl: AuthInteractor { func login(name: String, password: String, completion: (Result<String, Error>) -> Void) { ... } }
As you can see, the dependency description code takes a small part, and the application code doen’t know about how dependencies are implemented.
Also your can show samples:
Also your can read articles:
iOS 11.0+,macOS 10.13+,tvOS 11.0+, watchOS 4.0+, Linux; ARC
See CHANGELOG file or releases.
Please raise a GitHub issue.
Please help library development and create pull requests
If you like my library, then support the library by putting star.
You can feel free to ask the question at e-mail:
©Copyright 2023 CCF 开源发展委员会 Powered by Trustie& IntelliDE 京ICP备13000930号
Tranquillity is a lightweight but powerful dependency injection library for swift.
The name “Tranquillity” laid the foundation in the basic principles of library: clarity, simplicity and security.
It says - use the library and you will be calm for your dependencies.
About Dependendy Injection
Dependency Injections is a software design pattern in which someone delivers dependencies to an object.
Is one form of the broader technique of Inversion Of Control and help the Dependency Inversion Principle
For more details you can read this link
Also I recommend you to read Glossary which will help to better understand the terms.
Graph API
The library supports three popular package managers: Cocoapods, Carthage, SwiftPM.
Add the following lines to your
You can use “Xcode/File/Swift Packages/Add Package Dependency…” and write github url:
Also you can edit your
and the following line into sectiondependencies
:And don’t forget to specify in your section
wrote dependency line:Carthage
Add the following lines to your
:Carthage support “UI” and “GraphAPI” section no additional actions.
The library uses a declarative style of dependency description, and allows you to separate your application code from dependency description code.
For a quick entry, let’s look at an example code of one simplified VIPER screen:
As you can see, the dependency description code takes a small part, and the application code doen’t know about how dependencies are implemented.
Also your can show samples:
Also your can read articles:
iOS 11.0+,macOS 10.13+,tvOS 11.0+, watchOS 4.0+, Linux; ARC
See CHANGELOG file or releases.
History and Plans
I’ve found a bug, or have a feature request
Please raise a GitHub issue.
I’ve found a defect in documentation, or thought up how to improve it
Please help library development and create pull requests
If you like my library, then support the library by putting star.
You can feel free to ask the question at e-mail: