A kit that provides stylized and customizable buttons.
CrystalButtonKit is part of the CrystalUI framework (under developement). This framework is working to bring a suite of UI components that utilizes SwiftUI’s Material for it’s background element.
This package provides 2 button views:
CUIButton provides a control, that when pressed, executes an action.
CUIExpandableButton provides a control that expands to reveal hidden content when pressed.
To create a simple CUIButton, you can use a SF Symbol for your icon.
import CrystalButtonKit
import SwiftUI
struct ContentView: View {
var expanded: Bool = false
var body: some View {
sfSymbolName: "gearshape.fill"
) {
print("button pressed")
Similarly, CUIExpandableButton, also excepts a SF Symbol for ease of creation.
The sections below describe customizing buttons in this package. For simplicty sake, we’ll use CUIExpandableButton for all the examples as most of this applies to CUIButton as well.
If you’d like more control over the look of the button, you can provide a custom icon for the button instead.
Additionally, you can hide the icon altogether. When hiding the icon, it’s a good idea to show a title to prevent an empty button in collapsed state. Though it is possible for the button to be empty. Buttons provide a conveinence initializer for this purpose.
You can add an action that’s triggered when the button is expanded or collapsed using the built in controls. This action is not optional for CUIButton.
expanded: $expanded,
sfSymbolName: "bell.fill"
) {
Text("Additional actions can be performed when expanding/collpasing")
.frame(width: 200)
} action: {
print("Button was pressed")
Title & Subtitle
The button provides options to show a title and subtitle.
There are additional customization options for customizing the header when the button is expanded. This applies to CUIExpandableButton only.
expanded: $expanded,
sfSymbolName: "exclamationmark.triangle.fill"
) {
Text("Take up the full space when expanded.")
.frame(width: 200)
expanded: $expanded,
sfSymbolName: "exclamationmark.triangle.fill"
) {
Text("Hide the separator.")
.frame(width: 200)
.title(expanded ? "Alert!" : nil)
expanded: $expanded,
sfSymbolName: "exclamationmark.triangle.fill"
) {
Text("Hide the close button to control how it's dismissed yourself.")
.frame(width: 200)
.title(expanded ? "Alert!" : nil)
.subtitle("You need to take action!")
Custom Color
You can opt to add a color background instead of the default material background. However, the material is also rendered beneath. This allows a transparent background to be added that results in a tinted effect.
expanded: $expanded,
sfSymbolName: "doc.fill"
) {
Text("Tinting the background can help the button fit into your UX design.")
.frame(width: 200)
The standard foreground color modifier can be applied as well to color the elements of the button.
expanded: $expanded,
sfSymbolName: "doc.fill"
) {
Text("You can use other standard modifiers too!")
.frame(width: 200)
.standardLayout(title: "Color", subtitle: "Customization")
Other Feature
It is worth noting that CrystalButtonKit fully supports dynamic type variants, dark mode, and the right to left layout direction.
CrystalButtonKit supports Swift Package Manager. To use it the following to your Package.swift file:
A kit that provides stylized and customizable buttons.
CrystalButtonKit is part of the CrystalUI framework (under developement). This framework is working to bring a suite of UI components that utilizes SwiftUI’s Material for it’s background element.
This package provides 2 button views:
provides a control, that when pressed, executes an action.CUIExpandableButton
provides a control that expands to reveal hidden content when pressed.To create a simple
, you can use a SF Symbol for your icon.Similarly,
, also excepts a SF Symbol for ease of creation.Customization
The sections below describe customizing buttons in this package. For simplicty sake, we’ll use
for all the examples as most of this applies toCUIButton
as well.Icon
If you’d like more control over the look of the button, you can provide a custom icon for the button instead.
Additionally, you can hide the icon altogether. When hiding the icon, it’s a good idea to show a title to prevent an empty button in collapsed state. Though it is possible for the button to be empty. Buttons provide a conveinence initializer for this purpose.
You can add an action that’s triggered when the button is expanded or collapsed using the built in controls. This action is not optional for
.Title & Subtitle
The button provides options to show a title and subtitle.
These can also be enabled only for specific states of the button.
Header Only Options
There are additional customization options for customizing the header when the button is expanded. This applies to
only.Custom Color
You can opt to add a color background instead of the default material background. However, the material is also rendered beneath. This allows a transparent background to be added that results in a tinted effect.
The standard foreground color modifier can be applied as well to color the elements of the button.
Other Feature
It is worth noting that CrystalButtonKit fully supports dynamic type variants, dark mode, and the right to left layout direction.
CrystalButtonKit supports Swift Package Manager. To use it the following to your
file:Sample Project
A sample project,
, can be found in theSampleApp
Full documentation is available on the Swift Package Index.
Future Plans