public convenience init(ip: String, port: String , using: NWParameters)
ip (String): endpoint of machine where CoreTempServer is running.
port (String): the port number where CoreTempServer is publishing the data.
using (NWParameters): enumerated that defines the protocol to read data.
All data info has been strcutured in following objects
import Foundation
struct CpuInfo: Codable {
var uiLoad: [Int]?
var uiTjMax: [Int]?
var uiCoreCnt: Int?
var uiCPUCnt: Int?
var fTemp: [Int]?
var fVID: Float?
var fCPUSpeed: Float?
var fFSBSpeed: Float?
var fMultiplier: Int?
var CPUName: String?
var ucFahrenheit: Int?
var ucDeltaToTjMax: Int?
var ucTdpSupported: Int?
var ucPowerSupported: Int?
var uiStructVersion: Int?
var uiTdp: [Int]?
var fPower: [Float]?
var fMultipliers: [Int]?
struct MemoryInfo: Codable {
var TotalPhys: Int64?
var FreePhys: Int64?
var TotalPage: Int64?
var FreePage: Int64?
var TotalVirtual: Int64?
var FreeVirtual: Int64?
var FreeExtendedVirtual: Int?
var MemoryLoad: Int?
public struct CoreTempObject: Codable {
var CpuInfo: CpuInfo?
var MemoryInfo: MemoryInfo?
CoreTemp + CoreTempRemoteServer Addon
Firstly, install CoreTemp and CoreTempRemoteServer addon for start to receive data by net socket from following URLs: CoreTemp main program: RemoteServer Addon:
Configure port number of RemoteServer and start it.
Swift size
Add the Swift Package to your project from url:
Definition & Interface
All data info has been strcutured in following objects
The most relevant info for this objects is:
Use each one for design your monitor.
Usage example
Object instance runs the socket read. If you want to stop the reading call stop() function directly.
David Martin Saiz – @deividmarshall –
Distributed under the MIT license. See
for more information.
Version History