ComposedUI builds upon Composed by adding user interface features that allow you to power the screens in an application.
If you prefer to look at code, there’s a demo project here: ComposedDemo
The library is comprised of 4 key types for each view type, as well as various protocols for providing optional functionality.
UICollectionView implementations are prefixed with CollectionUITableView implementations are prefixed with TableUIStackView implementations are prefixed with Stack
For example, a UICollectionView‘s types are defined as follows:
In order for your section to be used in a UICollectionView, your section needs to conform to this protocol. It has only 1 requirement, a function that returns a CollectionSection
This type encapsulates 3 CollectionElement instances. A cell, as well as optional header and footer elements.
An element defines how a cell or supplementary view should be registered, dequeued and configured for display.
The coordinator is responsible for coordinating all of the events between a provider (via its mapping) and its view. Its typically both the delegate & dataSource of the corresponding view as well as the updateDelegate for the root provider.
Getting Started
Lets define a simple section to hold our contacts:
struct Person {
var kind: String // family or friend
final class ContactsSection: ArraySection<Person> { }
Now we can extend this so we can show it in a collection view:
extension ContactsSection: CollectionSectionProvider {
func section(with traitCollection: UITraitCollection) -> CollectionSection {
The `dequeueMethod` signals to the coordinator how to register and dequeue the cell
The element is generic to that cell type
let cell = CollectionCellElement(section: self, dequeueMethod: .fromNib(PersonCell.self)) { cell, index, section in
// Since everything is generic, we know both the cell and the element types
cell.prepare(with: element(at: index))
return CollectionSection(section: self, cell: cell, header: header)
Finally we need to retain a coordinator on our view controller:
final class ContactsViewController: UICollectionViewController {
private var coordinator: CollectionCoordinator?
override func viewDidLoad() {
let contacts = ContactsSection()
// contacts.append(...)
// this single line is all that's needed to connect a collection view to our provider
coordinator = CollectionCoordinator(collectionView: collectionView, sections: contacts)
Now if we build and run, our collection view should be populated with our contacts as expected. Simple!
ComposedUI also includes various protocols for enabling opt-in behaviour for your sections. Lets add support for selection events to our section above:
That’s it! Our coordinator already handles selection, so when a selection occurs it uses the indexPath to determine which section the selection occured in, it then attempts to cast that section to the protocol and on success, calls the associated method for us. As you can see this is an extremel powerful approach, yet extremely simple and elegant API that has 2 major benefits:
You opt-in to the features you want rather than inherit them by default
You can provide your own protocols and use the same infrastructure provided by Composed
Advanced Usage
So far we’ve built a relativel simple example that shows a single section. Lets update our view controller above to use a SectionProvider – and make things more interesting.
override func viewDidLoad() {
// ... create our contacts (family and friends)
let provider = ComposedSectionProvider()
// this single line is all that's needed to connect a collection view to our provider
coordinator = CollectionCoordinator(collectionView: collectionView, provider: provider)
If we now run our example again, we’ll see everything works as it did before, except we now have 2 sections.
This has a number of benefits already:
We didn’t need to manage indexPaths or section indexes
We were able to reuse our existing section
Our section has no knowledge that its now inside of a larger structure
Now lets add some custom behaviour depending on the data:
Lets run the project again and we can see that the Family section now allows multiple selection, whereas the Friend section does not. This is another great benefit of using ComposedUI because the Coordinator is able to perform more advanced logic without needing to understand the underlying structure.
ComposedUI builds upon
by adding user interface features that allow you to power the screens in an application.The library is comprised of 4 key types for each view type, as well as various protocols for providing optional functionality.
implementations are prefixed withCollection
implementations are prefixed withTable
implementations are prefixed withStack
For example, a
‘s types are defined as follows:CollectionSectionProvider In order for your section to be used in a
, your section needs to conform to this protocol. It has only 1 requirement, a function that returns aCollectionSection
CollectionSection This type encapsulates 3
instances. A cell, as well as optional header and footer elements.CollectionElement An element defines how a cell or supplementary view should be registered, dequeued and configured for display.
CollectionCoordinator The coordinator is responsible for coordinating all of the events between a provider (via its mapping) and its view. Its typically both the
of the corresponding view as well as theupdateDelegate
for the root provider.Getting Started
Lets define a simple section to hold our contacts:
Now we can extend this so we can show it in a collection view:
Finally we need to retain a coordinator on our view controller:
Now if we build and run, our collection view should be populated with our contacts as expected. Simple!
ComposedUI also includes various protocols for enabling opt-in behaviour for your sections. Lets add support for selection events to our section above:
That’s it! Our coordinator already handles selection, so when a selection occurs it uses the indexPath to determine which section the selection occured in, it then attempts to cast that section to the protocol and on success, calls the associated method for us. As you can see this is an extremel powerful approach, yet extremely simple and elegant API that has 2 major benefits:
Advanced Usage
So far we’ve built a relativel simple example that shows a single section. Lets update our view controller above to use a SectionProvider – and make things more interesting.
If we now run our example again, we’ll see everything works as it did before, except we now have 2 sections.
This has a number of benefits already:
Now lets add some custom behaviour depending on the data:
Lets run the project again and we can see that the Family section now allows multiple selection, whereas the Friend section does not. This is another great benefit of using ComposedUI because the Coordinator is able to perform more advanced logic without needing to understand the underlying structure.