import CommonMark
let markdown = #"""
# [Universal Declaration of Human Rights][udhr]
## Article 1.
All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.
They are endowed with reason and conscience
and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
[udhr]: "View full version"
let document = try Document(markdown)
Inspecting Document Nodes
document.children.count // 3
let heading = document.children[0] as! Heading
heading.headerLevel // 1
heading.children.count // 1
let link = heading.children[0] as! Link
link.urlString // "")
link.title // "View full version"
let subheading = document.children[1] as! Heading
subheading.headerLevel // 2
subheading.children.count // 1
let subheadingText = subheading.children[0] as! Text
subheadingText.literal // "Article 1."
let paragraph = document.children[2] as! Paragraph
paragraph.description // "All human beings [ ... ]"
paragraph.range.lowerBound // (line: 5, column: 1)
paragraph.range.upperBound // (line: 7, column: 62)
Rendering to HTML, XML, LaTeX, and Manpage
let html = document.render(format: .html) // <h1> [ ... ]
let xml = document.render(format: .xml) // <?xml [ ... ]
let latex = document.render(format: .latex) // \section{ [ ... ]
let manpage = document.render(format: .manpage) // .SH [ ... ]
// To get back CommonMark text,
// you can either render with the `.commonmark` format...
document.render(format: .commonmark) // # [Universal [ ... ]
// ...or call `description`
// (individual nodes also return their CommonMark representation as their description)
document.description // # [Universal [ ... ]
Creating Documents From Scratch
Using Result Builders
In Swift 5.4 and later,
you can create CommonMark documents using @resultBuilder initializers.
import CommonMark
let document = Document {
Heading {
Link(urlString: "",
title: "View full version")
"Universal Declaration of Human Rights"
Section { // sections increase the level of contained headings
Heading { "Article 1." } // this is a second-level heading
// block-level strings are parsed as CommonMark literals
**All** human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.
They are endowed with reason and conscience
and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
Using the Conventional Approach
The following code produces the same result as the preceding example,
using conventional Swift initializers.
let link = Link(urlString: "",
title: "View full version",
text: "Universal Declaration of Human Rights")
let heading = Heading(level: 1, children: [link])
let subheading = Heading(level: 2, text: "Article 1.")
let paragraph = Paragraph(children: #"""
All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.
They are endowed with reason and conscience
and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
"""#.split(separator: "\n")
.flatMap { [Text(String($0)), SoftLineBreak()] })
Document(children: [heading, subheading, paragraph]).description == document.description // true
CommonMark Spec Compliance
This package passes all of the 649 test cases
in the latest version (0.29) of the CommonMark Spec:
$ swift test
Executed 649 tests, with 0 failures (0 unexpected) in 0.178 (0.201) seconds
Swift 5.1+
Swift Package Manager
Add the CommonMark package to your target dependencies in Package.swift:
A Swift package for working with CommonMark text. It’s built on top of libcmark and fully compliant with the CommonMark Spec.
Inspecting Document Nodes
Rendering to HTML, XML, LaTeX, and Manpage
Creating Documents From Scratch
Using Result Builders
In Swift 5.4 and later, you can create CommonMark documents using
initializers.Using the Conventional Approach
The following code produces the same result as the preceding example, using conventional Swift initializers.
CommonMark Spec Compliance
This package passes all of the 649 test cases in the latest version (0.29) of the CommonMark Spec:
Swift Package Manager
Add the CommonMark package to your target dependencies in
:Then run the
swift build
command to build your project.License
Mattt (@mattt)