Store your awsome Codable objects and retrieve them with ease. CodablePersist gives you a convenient way to store your objects in a disk, UserDefaluts, and memory and manage them easily.
✅ Easily save and retrieve any Codable type.
📆 Set expiration date to the objects.
🔍Time-based storage filtring.
🗃Retrieve, delete, save objects using subscript
To quickly show you how CodablePersist can be useful, consider the following use case:
class PostFetcher {
typealias Handler = (Result<Post, Error>) -> Void
private let cache = DiskStorage<Post>(storeName: "postStorage")
func fetchPost(withID id: Post.ID, then handler: @escaping Handler) {
// check if the post is cached or not
if let cached = cache[id] { return handler(.success(cached)) }
// if not cached fetch it from the backend
performFetching { [weak self] result in
// load post and cache it
let post = try? result.get() { self?.cache[id] = $0 }
//then return the result
CodablePersist is available through CocoaPods. To install
it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod 'CodablePersist'
Carthage is a decentralized dependency manager that builds your dependencies and provides you with binary frameworks.
To integrate CodablePersist into your Xcode project using Carthage, specify it in your Cartfile:
github "engali94/CodablePersist"
Run carthage update to build the framework and drag the built CodablePersist.framework into your Xcode project.
On your application targets’ “Build Phases” settings tab, click the “+” icon and choose “New Run Script Phase” and add the Framework path as mentioned in Carthage Getting started Step 4, 5 and 6
Swift Package Manager
To integrate using Apple’s Swift Package Manager, add the following as a dependency to your Package.swift:
Then run swift package update to install the package.
Alternatively navigate to your Xcode project, select Swift Packages and click the + icon to search for CodablePersist.
If you prefer not to use any of the aforementioned dependency managers, you can integrate CodablePersist into your project manually. Simply drag the Sources Folder into your Xcode project.
1. Prepare your data
Make sure your type conforms to Identifiable protocol, and assign a unique idKey property like follows:
struct Post: Codable, Identifiable {
// Identifiable conformance
static var idKey = \
var title: String
var id: String // should be unique per post
2. Initialize Storage
DiskStorage: We can init a Disk Storage by passing a storeName and expiryDate
let storage = try? DiskStorage<Post>(storeName: storageName, expiryDate: .minutes(interval: 10))
UserDefalutsStorage: Also we can init UserDefaults Storage by passing a storeName and expiryDate
let storage = UserDefaultsStorage<Post>(storeName: storageName, expiryDate: .minutes(interval: 10))!
MemoryStorage: This should be used with precaution, if any memory load happens the system will delete some or all objects to free memory. Consider using DiskStorage or UserDefalutsStorage for long term persistence.
we can init ``
let storage = MemoryStorage<Post>(expiryDate: .minutes(interval: 10))
3. Storage!!
Now you are good to go… You can persist, retrieve and delete your Codable objects 😎
let singlePost = Post(title: "I'm persistable", id: 1)
let posts: [Post] = [Post(title: "I'm persistable2", id: 2), Post(title: "I'm persistable3", id: 3)]
//Save a single object
// Save single object by subscript
storage[1] = singlePost
//Save mutliple objects
// fetch single object
let post1 = try? storage.fetchObject(for: 1)
// fetch by subscript
let post2 = storage[2]
// fetch multiple objects
let multiPosts = try? storage.fetchObjects(for: [3,2])
// fetch all objects in the store sorted by date ascendingly
let allObjets = try? storage.fetchAllObjects(descending: false)
// fetch only objects saved in las ten minutes
// ------(10)++++++(now) -> will only returns ++++++
let obejetsAfterTenMin = try? storage.fetchObjectsStored(inLast: .minutes(interval: 10)
// fetch object stored before the last 10 minutes
// ++++++(10)------(now) -> will only returns ++++++
let obejetsBeforeTemMin = try? storage.fetchObjectsStored(before: .minutes(interval: 10))
// check if an object exists in the storage
// check the number of objects in the storage
// delete a single object
try? storage.deleteObject(forKey:
// delete a single object by subscript
storage[] = nil
// delete multiple posts
try? storage.deleteObjects(forKeys: [2,3])
// delete all objects
try? storage.deleteAll()
// Delete expired objects
Store your awsome
objects and retrieve them with ease.CodablePersist
gives you a convenient way to store your objects in a disk, UserDefaluts, and memory and manage them easily.Features
To quickly show you how
can be useful, consider the following use case:Installation
CodablePersist is available through CocoaPods. To install
it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
Carthage is a decentralized dependency manager that builds your dependencies and provides you with binary frameworks.
To integrate CodablePersist into your Xcode project using Carthage, specify it in your
carthage update
to build the framework and drag the builtCodablePersist.framework
into your Xcode project.On your application targets’ “Build Phases” settings tab, click the “+” icon and choose “New Run Script Phase” and add the Framework path as mentioned in Carthage Getting started Step 4, 5 and 6
Swift Package Manager
To integrate using Apple’s Swift Package Manager, add the following as a dependency to your
:Next, add
to your targets as follows:Then run
swift package update
to install the package.Alternatively navigate to your Xcode project, select
Swift Packages
and click the+
icon to search forCodablePersist
If you prefer not to use any of the aforementioned dependency managers, you can integrate CodablePersist into your project manually. Simply drag the
Folder into your Xcode project.Usage
1. Prepare your data
Make sure your type conforms to
protocol, and assign a uniqueidKey
property like follows:2. Initialize Storage
: We can init a Disk Storage by passing astoreName
: Also we can init UserDefaults Storage by passing astoreName
: This should be used with precaution, if any memory load happens the system will delete some or all objects to free memory. Consider usingDiskStorage
for long term persistence. we can init ``3. Storage!!
Now you are good to go… You can persist, retrieve and delete your
objects 😎Saving
iOS 8.0+ / macOS 10.10+ / tvOS 9.0+ / watchOS 2.0+
Xcode 10.0+
Swift 4.2+
Contributions are warmly welcomed 🙌
CodablePesist is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for more information.