FluxAction usually a plain object that carries information describing the context of particular user action or system event. Actions dispatched via FluxDispatcher implementation and broadcasted to all the workers registered in the dispatcher. FluxStore could modify its state in response to actions. FluxMiddleware could start asynchronous work and report back by broadcasting another actions.
Example of sending the action with the default dispatcher on the main thread:
Action.UpdateName(name: "Great Name").dispatch()
FluxDispatcher dispatches an actions to the mix of workers, which could be stores, middlewares or even other dispatchers. Actions dispatched from one worker to another and can be modified and/or replaced by the workers. Be careful of the order of the workers, it is important and can cause behavioural artefacts if not configured correctly.
FluxStore is a container that manages the underlaying state, broadcasts notifications about state changes. FluxStore is ObservableObject and can be used directly in SwiftUI view to render a state. State can be modified by sending relevant action to the dispatcher, where FluxStore instance is registered. FluxStore syncs state changes on main queue.
Example declaration:
class SomeStore: FluxStore<SomeState> {
init() {
super.init(initialState: SomeState())
registerReducer(for: SomeAction.self) { (state, action) in
state.value = action.value
return [\SomeState.value] // Reports which part of the state did change
FluxMiddleware is intended to be used to run asynchronous work and update other components by sending appropriate actions to the dispatcher.
Example declaration:
class SomeMiddleware: FluxMiddleware {
private weak var dispatcher: FluxDispatcher?
init(dispatcher: FluxDispatcher) {
self.dispatcher = dispatcher
registerHandler(for: SomeAction.self) { [unowned self] (action) in
self.performWork(value: action.value) // Start async work
// Handler passes the same action to subsequent workers by default
registerComposer(for: OtherAction.self) { (action) in
return .next(ThirdAction()) // Pass another action to subsequent workers
registerComposer(for: IgnoredAction.self) { (action) in
return .stop() // Do not pass the action to subsequent workers
private func performWork(value: Value) {
RemoteAPI.sendRequest(value: value) { [weak self] in
SomeOtherAction(outcome: $0).dispatch(with: self?.dispatcher)
Simple yet fully-featured Flux pattern implemented in Swift
Brief Documentation
You can read more about Flux pattern here
FluxAction usually a plain object that carries information describing the context of particular user action or system event. Actions dispatched via FluxDispatcher implementation and broadcasted to all the workers registered in the dispatcher. FluxStore could modify its state in response to actions. FluxMiddleware could start asynchronous work and report back by broadcasting another actions.
Example declaration:
Example of sending the action with the default dispatcher on the main thread:
FluxDispatcher dispatches an actions to the mix of workers, which could be stores, middlewares or even other dispatchers. Actions dispatched from one worker to another and can be modified and/or replaced by the workers. Be careful of the order of the workers, it is important and can cause behavioural artefacts if not configured correctly.
Usage example:
FluxStore is a container that manages the underlaying state, broadcasts notifications about state changes. FluxStore is ObservableObject and can be used directly in SwiftUI view to render a state. State can be modified by sending relevant action to the dispatcher, where FluxStore instance is registered. FluxStore syncs state changes on main queue.
Example declaration:
FluxMiddleware is intended to be used to run asynchronous work and update other components by sending appropriate actions to the dispatcher.
Example declaration:
Natan Zalkin natan.zalkin@me.com
ClassyFlux is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.