
CircularProgressGauge for Swift and SwiftUI

CircularProgressGauge uses SwiftUI to display a circular gauge showing the percent complete (0% to 100%) for a process. CircularProgressGauge is completely user styleable with control over the following elements:

  • Gradient - Defines the color that will be used to fill the gauge.
  • Track Color - The color for the empty part of the gauge.
  • Font Color - The color for the percent completed text.
  • Font Size - The size of the percent completed text.


Swift Package Manager (Xcode 11 and above)

  1. Select File > Swift Packages > Add Package Dependency… from the File menu.
  2. Paste https://github.com/Appracatappra/CircularProgressGauge.git in the dialog box.
  3. Follow the Xcode’s instruction to complete the installation.

Why not CocoaPods, or Carthage, or blank?

Supporting multiple dependency managers makes maintaining a library exponentially more complicated and time consuming.

Since, the Swift Package Manager is integrated with Xcode 11 (and greater), it’s the easiest choice to support going further.

Using CircularProgressGauge

CircularProgressGauge is very easy to use inside a SwiftUI View:

@State var progress = 0.5
var body: some View {
    VStack {
        // Progress is give as 0.0 to 1.0
         CircularProgressGauge(progress: $progress)
             .frame(width: 40.0, height: 40.0)

Would present the following gauge on iOS:

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