Update README.md
xode -> file -> add packages -> https://github.com/BurakAltunoluk/Cici.git -> Cici -> Add Package
import Cici //add class Viewcontroller: UIViewController { let cici = Cici() //add override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() cici.view = view //add } }
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func alertMenu() { cici.horizontalMargins = 30.0 cici.showAlert(messageText: "HelloWorld", buttonTitle: "Ok") }
cici.backroundImage.image = UIImage(named: "imageName") //to change backround image cici.buttonBackroundColor = . red //to change button backround color cici.mesaggeTextColor = .white //to change mesagge text color cici.backgroundColor = .orange //to change backround color cici.buttonWidth = 120.0 //button width cici.heightExtra = -40.0 //to change message box height bigger or smaller cici.horizontalMargins = 30.0 //to change message box left/right blank cici.showAlert(messageText: "HelloWorld", buttonTitle: "Ok") //Show Alert box
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xode -> file -> add packages -> https://github.com/BurakAltunoluk/Cici.git -> Cici -> Add Package
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