Simple Swift Logger in under 90 loc
{Date} {Label} {Emoji}: {Message}
4/5/21, 7:05:42 PM CDT [com.example.chronicle] ℹ️: Info
Date = 4/5/21, 7:05:42 PM CDT
Label = [com.example.chronicle]
Emoji = ℹ️
Message = Info
Default Chronicle
let chrono = Chronicle(
label: "com.example.chronicle"
enum SomeError: Error { case abc }
chrono.log(level: .success("Success"))
chrono.log(level: .info("Info"))
chrono.log(level: .warning("Warning"))
chrono.log(level: .error("Error",
chrono.log(level: .fatal("Fatal",
4/9/21, 9:42:08 PM CDT [com.example.chronicle] ✅: Success
4/9/21, 9:42:08 PM CDT [com.example.chronicle] ℹ️: Info
4/9/21, 9:42:08 PM CDT [com.example.chronicle] ⚠️: Warning
4/9/21, 9:42:08 PM CDT [com.example.chronicle] ❗️: Error
abc: The operation couldn’t be completed. (ChronicleTests.ChronicleTests.(unknown context at $10708b2f8).(unknown context at $10708b344).SomeError error 0.)
4/9/21, 9:42:08 PM CDT [com.example.chronicle] 🚨: Fatal
abc: The operation couldn’t be completed. (ChronicleTests.ChronicleTests.(unknown context at $10708b2f8).(unknown context at $10708b344).SomeError error 0.)
public protocol ChronicleFormatter {
var dateFormatter: DateFormatter { get }
func format(label: String) -> String
func format(logLevel: Chronicle.LogLevel) -> String
func output(
formattedDate: String,
formattedLabel: String,
formattedLogMessage: String
) -> String
extension Chronicle {
public struct DefaultFormatters {
public struct DefaultFormatter: ChronicleFormatter {
public init() { }
public var dateFormatter: DateFormatter = {
let formatter = DateFormatter()
formatter.dateStyle = .short
formatter.timeStyle = .long
return formatter
public func format(label: String) -> String { "[\(label)]" }
public func format(logLevel: Chronicle.LogLevel) -> String {
"\(logLevel.emoji): \(logLevel.output)"
public func output(
formattedDate: String,
formattedLabel: String,
formattedLogMessage: String
) -> String {
formattedDate + " " + formattedLabel + " " + formattedLogMessage
Output Handler
public protocol ChronicleHandler {
func handle(output: String) -> Void
func didHandle(chronicle: Chronicle, level: Chronicle.LogLevel)
Default Handlers
extension Chronicle {
public struct DefaultHandlers {
public struct PrintHandler: ChronicleHandler {
public init() { }
public func handle(output: String) { print(output) }
public func didHandle(chronicle: Chronicle, level: Chronicle.LogLevel) { }
public struct FileHandler: ChronicleHandler {
private let lock = NSLock()
public var fileURL: URL {
FileManager.default.urls(for: .documentDirectory,
in: .userDomainMask)[0]
public var fileName: String
public init(fileName: String = "chronicle.log") {
self.fileName = fileName
public func handle(output: String) {
var fileOutput = ""
defer {
do {
try fileOutput.write(to: fileURL, atomically: true, encoding: String.Encoding.utf8)
} catch {
guard let contents = try? Data(contentsOf: fileURL) else {
let fileContents = String(data: contents, encoding: .utf8)
if let fileContents = fileContents {
fileOutput.append(fileContents + "\n")
public func didHandle(chronicle: Chronicle, level: Chronicle.LogLevel) { }
Simple Swift Logger in under 90 loc
Default Format
{Date} {Label} {Emoji}: {Message}
4/5/21, 7:05:42 PM CDT [com.example.chronicle] ℹ️: Info
Default Chronicle
Output Formatter
Default Formatter
Output Handler
Default Handlers