

Platform Swift support Carthage compatible Swift Package Manager compatible

GitHub tag License

Extends String, Data, and URL adding the ability to easily and efficiently calculate the cryptographic checksum of its associated contents by adding conformance to the Checksumable protocol.

Under the hood, Apple’s CommonCrypto framework is used.


  • iOS 9 / macOS 10.11 / tvOS 9 / watchOS 2
  • Xcode 10.2
  • Swift 4.0 / 4.2 / 5.0 / 5.1



Supported Digests

MD5, SHA1, SHA224, SHA256, SHA384, SHA512

Async Processing

Processing and progress monitoring are performed asynchronously on a background dispatch queue. Progress and completion closures are, by default, called on the .main dispatch queue. However, a different DispatchQueue may be specified.

The function signature for async processing is:

  • checksum(algorithm:chunkSize:queue:progress:completion:)

Sync Processing

In the cases where the payload is fairly small, asynchronous processing may not be required or desirable. For such cases, a synchronous version is provided.

The function signature for sync processing is:

  • checksum(algorithm:chunkSize:)

Process Local or Remote URLs

Any URLs with schemes file, http, or https may be used as input. However, http and https support is currently experimental and has the following requirements:

  1. The HTTP server must be able to respond to HEAD requests in order to determine whether the URL is reachable.
  2. The HTTP server must be able to serve 206 Partial Content responses.

Batch Processing

Support for processing arrays of Checksumable items is also included and showcased in the examples below.


Calculating the checksum of some Data asynchronously

data.checksum(algorithm: .md5) { result in
    switch result {
    case .success(let checksum):
        // Use checksum
    case .failure(let error):
        // Unable to obtain checksum

Calculating the checksum of the content at a given URL asynchronously

remoteURL.checksum(algorithm: .sha256) { result in
    switch result {
    case .success(let checksum):
        // Use checksum
    case .failure(let error):
        // Unable to obtain checksum

Calculating the checksums of the contents at given URLs asynchronously

[someURL, anotherURL, yetAnotherURL].checksum(algorithm: .md5) { result in
    switch result {
    case .success(let checksumResults):
        // Use results object
        for checksumResult in checksumResults {
            guard let url = checksumResult.checksumable as? URL else {
                fail("Expected checksumable to be of type URL.")
            if let checksum = checksumResult.checksum {
                print("Checksum of \(result.checksumable) is \(checksumResult.checksum)")
            } else {
                print("Unable to obtain checksum for \(checksumResult.checksumable)")
    case .failure(let error):
        // Unable to obtain checksums

Calculating the checksum of some String synchronously

if let checksum = string.checksum(algorithm: .md5) {
    // Use checksum

Calculating the checksum of some Data synchronously

if let checksum = data.checksum(algorithm: .md5) {
    // Use checksum

Calculating the checksum of the content at a given URL synchronously

if let checksum = localURL.checksum(algorithm: .md5) {
    // Use checksum

Progress Reporting

You may monitor progress by passing a ProgressHandler closure to the progress argument in checksum(algorithm:chunkSize:queue:progress:completion:).


remoteURL.checksum(algorithm: .sha256, progress: { progress in
    // Add your progress handling code here.
    print("Fraction completed: \(progress.fractionCompleted)")
}) { result in 
    /// Result handling ommited.


Checksum was written by Ruben Nine (@sonicbee9) and is licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE.md.

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