CSFloatKit is a Swift framework that provides an easy way to fetch information about a CS:GO weapon skin. All the information provided comes from Step7750’s CSGO Float API.
If you’re running Xcode 11 or later, you can simply go to File -> Swift Package Manager -> Add Package Dependency... and search for CSFloatKit or just paste this Github page URL on the text field
If you’re running an earlier version, you’ll have to set up SPM on your project and add the following dependency to your Package.swift file:
To get started, you will need to create an instance of CSFloatConfiguration and configure it with either an item inspect link or using the Inventory (S), Asset (A), D and Market (M) parameters from an inspect link.
Initiating with an inspect link
let configuration = CSFloatConfiguration(inspectLink: "steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20S76561198084749846A698323590D7935523998312483177")
After the setting up the configuration, create an instance of SWGORequester to create a float request
let request = CSFloatRequester(configuration: config) { (skin, error) in
And to start the request:
The request will either the skin fetched from the inspect link or a ApiError, which represents the error that occurred in the request.
After fetching an instance of Skin with the requester, you can use the getScreenshotURL() method to get an URL string which can be used to get a screenshot image, by using the CS.Deals’ csgo.gallery screenshot service
let configuration = CSFloatConfiguration(inspectLink: "steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20S76561198084749846A698323590D7935523998312483177")
let request = SWGORequester(configuration: config) { (skin, error) in
let screenshotURL = skin.getScreenshotURL()
//Returns "https://csgo.gallery/steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20S76561198084749846A698323590D7935523998312483177"
From version 0.3 upwards, it’s also possible to fetch CS.Money screenshots and 3D models, just by using the item’s inspect link or an instance of a Skin object:
let configuration = CSMConfiguration(inspectLink: "steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20S76561199043158336A20517916623D14133434752320963923")
let request = CSMRequester(configuration: config, completion: { (fetchedScreenshot, error) in
// URL for the skin's screenshot
let screenshotURL = fetchedScreenshot.imageURL
// URL for the skin's preview screenshot
let previewURL = fetchedScreenshot.previewURL
// URL for the skin's 3D preview
let preview3DURL = fetchedScreenshot.preview3D
Documentation about the models are coming soon!
Get skin info from CSGO Float API
Support for S, A, D and M parameters
Finish writing unit test for the request method
Get an item’s screenshot with csgo.gallery
Screenshot requester
Fetch images for non-marketable stickers applied to items
CSFloatKit is a Swift framework that provides an easy way to fetch information about a CS:GO weapon skin. All the information provided comes from Step7750’s CSGO Float API.
Currently, this package can be installed through the Swift Package Manager
If you’re running Xcode 11 or later, you can simply go to
File -> Swift Package Manager -> Add Package Dependency...
and search forCSFloatKit
or just paste this Github page URL on the text fieldIf you’re running an earlier version, you’ll have to set up SPM on your project and add the following dependency to your
To get started, you will need to create an instance of
and configure it with either an item inspect link or using the Inventory (S), Asset (A), D and Market (M) parameters from an inspect link.After the setting up the configuration, create an instance of
to create a float requestAnd to start the request:
The request will either the skin fetched from the inspect link or a
, which represents the error that occurred in the request.Screenshot
After fetching an instance of
with the requester, you can use thegetScreenshotURL()
method to get an URL string which can be used to get a screenshot image, by using the CS.Deals’ csgo.gallery screenshot serviceFrom version 0.3 upwards, it’s also possible to fetch CS.Money screenshots and 3D models, just by using the item’s inspect link or an instance of a
Documentation about the models are coming soon!