import CLI
// Remove the first item in the array since it's just the path to the executable
var argParser = ArgumentParser.default
let arg1 = Option<Int>("i", "int", "integer", description: "An integer argument", parser: &argParser)
let arg2 = Flag("b", "bool", "boolean", description: "A boolean argument", parser: &argParser)
let arg3 = Option<String>("n", "name", required: true, description: "A string argument that must have a value", parser: &argParser)
let arg4 = Option<Double>("d", default: 12.34, description: "A double argument with a default value", parser: &argParser)
let arg5 = MultiOption<Float>("f", description: "A float argument that can be specified multiple times", parser: &argParser)
// Sets the values of the arguments, will throw an error if required arguments are not set
try argParser.parseAll()
// Get argument values like this
if let i = arg1.value {
print("Got an integer value from the cli: \(i)")
if let b = arg2.value {
print("Got a boolean value from the cli: \(b)")
// This should be set or else something is wrong with my framework's logic
guard let s = arg3.value else { exit(EXIT_FAILURE) }
print("Got a string value from the cli: \(s)")
if let d = arg4.value {
print("Got a double value from the cli: \(d)")
for f in arg5 {
print("Got another value from cli: \(f)")
// You can make your own types available to be processed from the command line if you conform to the ArgumentType protocol
struct MyStruct: ArgumentType {
var value: Int
public static func from(string value: String) throws -> MyStruct {
guard let i = Int(value) else {
throw ArgumentError.conversionError("Could not cast string to int")
return MyStruct(value: i)
// Now you can create an Option with the MyStruct type
let arg5 = Option<MyStruct>("m", description: "My own struct!", parser: &argParser)
// There are also a couple built in functions to the ArgumentParser class
// Checks for '-h' or '--help'
if argParser.needsHelp {
// Prints all of the arguments descriptions and names
// Checks for '-v' or '--version'
if argParser.wantsVersion {
print("Version 1.0.5")
A swift framework for parsing command line arguments into values
Installation (SPM)
Include the following in your Package.swift file
For swift 3 use version 1.x