


A OMG Common Data Representation (CDR) encoder and decoder for Swift Codable types.

Now can be used with FastRTPSBridge, a Swift wrapper for eProsima FastDDS library.


  • Swift 4.2+


Encoding Messages

import CDRCodable

let encoder = CDREncoder()
let value = try! encoder.encode("hello")
// Data([6, 0, 0, 0, 0x68, 0x65, 0x6C, 0x6C, 0x6F, 0, 0, 0])

Decoding Messages

import CDRCodable

let decoder = CDRDecoder()
let data = Data([3, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 3, 0])
let value = try! decoder.decode([Int16].self, from: data)
// [1, 2, 3]


Swift Package Manager

Add the MessagePack package to your target dependencies in Package.swift:

import PackageDescription

let package = Package(
  name: "YourProject",
  dependencies: [
        url: "https://github.com/DimaRU/CDRCodable",
        from: "1.0.0"

Then run the swift build command to build your project.

Supported IDL types

1. Primitive types

The following table shows the basic IDL types supported by CDRCodable and how they are mapped to Swift and C++11.

Swift C++11 IDL
Int8 char char
UInt8 uint8_t octet
Int16 int16_t short
UInt16 uint16_t unsigned short
Int32 int32_t long
UInt32 uint32_t unsigned long
Int64 int64_t long long
UInt64 uint64_t unsigned long long
Float float float
Double double double
Float80 long double long double
Bool bool boolean
String std::string string

2. Arrays

Static size arrays is not supported by CDRCodable directly, needed custom coding.

3. Sequences

CDRCodable supports sequences, which map between Swift Array and C++ std::vector container. The following table represents how the map between Swift, C++11 and IDL and is handled.

Swift C++11 IDL
Array<Int8> std::vector<char> sequence<char>
Array<UInt8> or Data std::vector<uint8_t> sequence<octet>
Array<Int16> std::vector<int16_t> sequence<short>
Array<UInt16> std::vector<uint16_t> sequence<unsigned short>
Array<Int32> std::vector<int32_t> sequence<long>
Array<UInt32> std::vector<uint32_t> sequence<unsigned long>
Array<Int64> std::vector<int64_t> sequence<long long>
Array<UInt64> std::vector<uint64_t> sequence<unsigned long long>
Array<Float> std::vector<float> sequence<float>
Array<Double> std::vector<double> sequence<double>
Array<Float80> std::vector<long double> sequence<long double>
Array<Bool> std::vector<bool> sequence<boolean>
Array<String> std::vector<std::string> sequence<string>

| Array<Int8> | std::vector<char> | sequence<char> | | Array<UInt8> or Data | std::vector<uint8_t> | sequence<octet> | | Array<Int16> | std::vector<int16_t> | sequence<short> | | Array<UInt16> | std::vector<uint16_t> | sequence<unsigned short> | | Array<Int32> | std::vector<int32_t> | sequence<long> | | Array<UInt32> | std::vector<uint32_t> | sequence<unsigned long> | | Array<Int64> | std::vector<int64_t> | sequence<long long> | | Array<UInt64> | std::vector<uint64_t> | sequence<unsigned long long> | | Array<Float> | std::vector<float> | sequence<float> | | Array<Double> | std::vector<double> | sequence<double> | | Array<Float80> | std::vector<long double> | sequence<long double> | | Array<Bool> | std::vector<bool> | sequence<boolean> | | Array<String> | std::vector<std::string> | sequence<string> |

4. Enumerations

Swift IDL
enum e: Int32 enum e

Example: IDL definition:

enum ESubsystemState
    UNKNOWN         = 0,
    INITIALIZED     = 1,
    POSTING         = 2,
    ACTIVE          = 3,
    STANDBY         = 4,
    RECOVERY        = 5,
    DISABLED        = 6


enum ESubsystemState: Int32, Codable {
    case unknown         = 0
    case initialized     = 1
    case posting         = 2
    case active          = 3
    case standby         = 4
    case recovery        = 5
    case disabled        = 6

5. Union

Union type is not supported by CDRCodable directly, needed custom coding. Example:

IDL definition:

union ControlUnion switch (unsigned long)
    case CONTROL_TYPE_S8:
        char value_int8;
    case CONTROL_TYPE_S16:
        short value_int16;
    case CONTROL_TYPE_S32:
        long value_int32;
    case CONTROL_TYPE_S64:
        long long value_int64;
    case CONTROL_TYPE_U8:
        octet value_uint8;
    case CONTROL_TYPE_U16:
        unsigned short value_uint16;
    case CONTROL_TYPE_U32:
        unsigned long value_uint32;
    case CONTROL_TYPE_U64:
        unsigned long long value_uint64;
        unsigned long value_bitmask;
        boolean value_button;
        boolean value_boolean;
        string<128> value_string;
        unsigned long value_string_menu;
        unsigned long value_int_menu;


enum ControlUnion: Codable {
    case S8(value: Int8)
    case S16(value: Int16)
    case S32(value: Int32)
    case S64(value: Int64)
    case U8(value: UInt8)
    case U16(value: UInt16)
    case U32(value: UInt32)
    case U64(value: UInt64)
    case Bitmask(bitmask: UInt32)
    case Button(button: Bool)
    case Boolean(value: Bool)
    case StringValue(value: String)
    case StringMenu(stringMenu: UInt32)
    case IntMenu(intMenu: UInt32)
    init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
        var container = try decoder.unkeyedContainer()
        let selector = try container.decode(UInt32.self)
        switch selector {
            case 0:
                let value = try container.decode(Int8.self)
                self = .S8(value: value)
            case 1:
                let value = try container.decode(Int16.self)
                self = .S16(value: value)
            case 2:
                let value = try container.decode(Int32.self)
                self = .S32(value: value)
            case 3:
                let value = try container.decode(Int64.self)
                self = .S64(value: value)
            case 4:
                let value = try container.decode(UInt8.self)
                self = .U8(value: value)
            case 5:
                let value = try container.decode(UInt16.self)
                self = .U16(value: value)
            case 6:
                let value = try container.decode(UInt32.self)
                self = .U32(value: value)
            case 7:
                let value = try container.decode(UInt64.self)
                self = .U64(value: value)
            case 8:
                let value = try container.decode(UInt32.self)
                self = .Bitmask(bitmask: value)
            case 9:
                let value = try container.decode(Bool.self)
                self = .Button(button: value)
            case 10:
                let value = try container.decode(Bool.self)
                self = .Boolean(value: value)
            case 11:
                let value = try container.decode(String.self)
                self = .StringValue(value: value)
            case 12:
                let value = try container.decode(UInt32.self)
                self = .StringMenu(stringMenu: value)
            case 13:
                let value = try container.decode(UInt32.self)
                self = .IntMenu(intMenu: value)
                let error = DecodingError.dataCorruptedError(in: container, debugDescription: "Illegal union selector \(selector)")
                throw error
    func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws {
        var container = encoder.singleValueContainer()
        let selector: UInt32
        switch self {
        case .S8 : selector = 0
        case .S16 : selector = 1
        case .S32 : selector = 2
        case .S64 : selector = 3
        case .U8 : selector = 4
        case .U16 : selector = 5
        case .U32 : selector = 6
        case .U64 : selector = 7
        case .Bitmask : selector = 8
        case .Button : selector = 9
        case .Boolean : selector = 10
        case .StringValue : selector = 11
        case .StringMenu : selector = 12
        case .IntMenu : selector = 13
        try container.encode(selector)
        switch self {
        case .S8(value: let value): try container.encode(value)
        case .S16(value: let value): try container.encode(value)
        case .S32(value: let value): try container.encode(value)
        case .S64(value: let value): try container.encode(value)
        case .U8(value: let value): try container.encode(value)
        case .U16(value: let value): try container.encode(value)
        case .U32(value: let value): try container.encode(value)
        case .U64(value: let value): try container.encode(value)
        case .Bitmask(bitmask: let bitmask): try container.encode(bitmask)
        case .Button(button: let button): try container.encode(button)
        case .Boolean(value: let value): try container.encode(value)
        case .StringValue(value: let value): try container.encode(value)
        case .StringMenu(stringMenu: let stringMenu): try container.encode(stringMenu)
        case .IntMenu(intMenu: let intMenu): try container.encode(intMenu)

6. Struct

struct may be coded as Swift struct or class. Example:

IDL definition:

struct TridentControlTarget
    string id;
    float pitch;
    float yaw;
    float thrust;
    float lift;
struct TridentControlTarget: Codable
    let id: String

    let pitch: Float
    let yaw: Float
    let thrust: Float
    let lift: Float



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