This repository provides integer types of arbitrary width implemented
in 100% pure Swift. The underlying representation is in base 2^64, using Array<UInt64>.
Two big integer types are included: BigUInt and BigInt,
the latter being the signed variant.
Both of these are Swift structs with copy-on-write value semantics, and they can be used much
like any other integer type.
The library provides implementations for some of the most frequently useful functions on
big integers, including
Addition and subtraction have variants that allow for
shifting the digits of the second operand on the fly.
Unsigned subtraction will trap when the result would be negative.
(There are variants that return an overflow flag.)
Multiplication uses brute force for numbers up to 1024 digits, then switches to Karatsuba’s recursive method.
(This limit is configurable, see BigUInt.directMultiplicationLimit.)
The implementations are intended to be reasonably efficient, but they are unlikely to be
competitive with GMP at all, even when I happened to implement an algorithm with same asymptotic
behavior as GMP. (I haven’t performed a comparison benchmark, though.)
The library has 100% unit test coverage. Sadly this does not imply that there are no bugs
in it.
BigInt 4.0.0 requires Swift 4.2 (The last version with support for Swift 3.x was BigInt 2.1.0.
The last version with support for Swift 2 was BigInt 1.3.0.)
Swift Version
last BigInt Version
BigInt deploys to macOS 10.10, iOS 9, watchOS 2 and tvOS 9.
It has been tested on the latest OS releases only—however, as the module uses very few platform-provided APIs,
there should be very few issues with earlier versions.
BigInt uses no APIs specific to Apple platforms, so
it should be easy to port it to other operating systems.
Setup instructions:
Swift Package Manager:
Although the Package Manager is still in its infancy, BigInt provides experimental support for it.
Add this to the dependency section of your Package.swift manifest:
BigUInt is a MutableCollectionType of its 64-bit digits, with the least significant
digit at index 0. As a convenience, BigUInt allows you to subscript it with indexes at
or above its count. The subscript operator returns 0 for out-of-bound gets and
automatically extends the array on out-of-bound sets. This makes memory management simpler.
BigInt is just a tiny wrapper around a BigUInt [absolute value][magnitude] and a
sign bit, both of which are accessible as public read-write properties.
The types provided by BigInt are not parametric—this is very much intentional, as
Swift generics cost us dearly at runtime in this use case. In every approach I tried,
making arbitrary-precision arithmetic operations work with a generic Digit type parameter
resulted in code that was literally ten times slower. If you can make the algorithms generic
without such a huge performance hit, please enlighten me!
This is an area that I plan to investigate more, as it would be useful to have generic
implementations for arbitrary-width arithmetic operations. (Polynomial division and decimal bases
are two examples.) The library already implements double-digit multiplication and division as
extension methods on a protocol with an associated type requirement; this has not measurably affected
performance. Unfortunately, the same is not true for BigUInt‘s methods.
Of course, as a last resort, we could just duplicate the code to create a separate
generic variant that was slower but more flexible.
The BigInt module provides all necessary parts to implement an (overly)
simple RSA cryptography system.
Let’s start with a simple function that generates a random n-bit prime. The module
includes a function to generate random integers of a specific size, and also an
isPrime method that performs the Miller–Rabin primality test. These are all we need:
func generatePrime(_ width: Int) -> BigUInt {
while true {
var random = BigUInt.randomInteger(withExactWidth: width)
random |= BigUInt(1)
if random.isPrime() {
return random
let p = generatePrime(1024)
==> 13308187650642192396256419911012544845370493728424936791561478318443071617242872
let q = generatePrime(1024)
==> 17072954422657145489547308812333368925007949054501204983863958355897172093173783
Cool! Now that we have two large primes, we can produce an RSA public/private keypair
out of them.
typealias Key = (modulus: BigUInt, exponent: BigUInt)
let n = p * q
==> 22721008120758282530010953362926306641542233757318103044313144976976529789946696
let e: BigUInt = 65537
let phi = (p - 1) * (q - 1)
let d = e.inverse(phi)! // d * e % phi == 1
==> 13964664343869014759736350480776837992604500903989703383202366291905558996277719
let publicKey: Key = (n, e)
let privateKey: Key = (n, d)
In RSA, modular exponentiation is used to encrypt (and decrypt) messages.
Let’s try out our new keypair by converting a string into UTF-8, interpreting
the resulting binary representation as a big integer, and encrypting it with the
public key. BigUInt has an initializer that takes an NSData, so this is pretty
easy to do:
let secret: BigUInt = BigUInt("Arbitrary precision arithmetic is fun!".dataUsingEncoding(NSUTF8StringEncoding)!)
==> 83323446846105976078466731524728681905293067701804838925389198929123912971229457
let cyphertext = encrypt(secret, key: publicKey)
==> 95186982543485985200666516508066093880038842892337880561554910904277290917831453
Well, it looks encrypted all right, but can we get the original message back?
In theory, encrypting the cyphertext with the private key returns the original message.
Let’s see:
let plaintext = encrypt(cyphertext, key: privateKey)
==> 83323446846105976078466731524728681905293067701804838925389198929123912971229457
let received = String(data: plaintext.serialize(), encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding)
==> "Arbitrary precision arithmetic is fun!"
Yay! This is truly terrific, but please don’t use this example code in an actual
cryptography system. RSA has lots of subtle (and some not so subtle) complications
that we ignored to keep this example short.
Another fun activity to try with BigInts is to generate the digits of π.
Let’s try implementing Jeremy Gibbon’s spigot algorithm.
This is a rather slow algorithm as π-generators go, but it makes up for it with its grooviness
factor: it’s remarkably short, it only uses (big) integer arithmetic, and every iteration
produces a single new digit in the base-10 representation of π. This naturally leads to an
implementation as an infinite GeneratorType:
func digitsOfPi() -> AnyGenerator<Int> {
var q: BigUInt = 1
var r: BigUInt = 180
var t: BigUInt = 60
var i: UInt64 = 2 // Does not overflow until digit #826_566_842
return AnyIterator {
let u: UInt64 = 3 * (3 * i + 1) * (3 * i + 2)
let y = (q.multiplied(byDigit: 27 * i - 12) + 5 * r) / (5 * t)
(q, r, t) = (
10 * q.multiplied(byDigit: i * (2 * i - 1)),
10 * (q.multiplied(byDigit: 5 * i - 2) + r - y * t).multiplied(byDigit: u),
t.multiplied(byDigit: u))
i += 1
return Int(y[0])
Well, that was surprisingly easy. But does it work? Of course it does!
var digits = "π ≈ "
var count = 0
for digit in digitsOfPi() {
assert(digit < 10)
digits += String(digit)
count += 1
if count == 1 { digits += "." }
if count == 1000 { break }
==> π ≈ 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582097494459230781640628
Now go and have some fun with big integers on your own!
This repository provides integer types of arbitrary width implemented in 100% pure Swift. The underlying representation is in base 2^64, using
.This module is handy when you need an integer type that’s wider than
, but you don’t want to add The GNU Multiple Precision Arithmetic Library as a dependency.Two big integer types are included:
, the latter being the signed variant. Both of these are Swift structs with copy-on-write value semantics, and they can be used much like any other integer type.The library provides implementations for some of the most frequently useful functions on big integers, including
All functionality from
The full set of arithmetic operators:
returns the quotient and remainder at once; this is faster than calculating them separately.Bitwise operators:
, plus the following read-only properties:bitWidth
: the minimum number of bits required to store the integer,trailingZeroBitCount
: the number of trailing zero bits in the binary representation,leadingZeroBitCount
: the number of leading zero bits (when the last digit isn’t full),Shift operators:
Methods to convert
to big integers and vice versa.Support for generating random integers of specified maximum width or magnitude.
Radix conversion to/from
s and big integers up to base 36 (using repeated divisions).StringLiteralConvertible
(in base 10).sqrt(n)
: The square root of an integer (using Newton’s method).BigUInt.gcd(n, m)
: The greatest common divisor of two integers (Stein’s algorithm).base.power(exponent, modulus)
: Modular exponentiation (right-to-left binary method). Vanilla exponentiation is also available.n.inverse(modulus)
: Multiplicative inverse in modulo arithmetic (extended Euclidean algorithm).n.isPrime()
: Miller–Rabin primality test.The implementations are intended to be reasonably efficient, but they are unlikely to be competitive with GMP at all, even when I happened to implement an algorithm with same asymptotic behavior as GMP. (I haven’t performed a comparison benchmark, though.)
The library has 100% unit test coverage. Sadly this does not imply that there are no bugs in it.
API Documentation
Generated API docs are available at
BigInt can be used, distributed and modified under the MIT license.
Requirements and Integration
BigInt 4.0.0 requires Swift 4.2 (The last version with support for Swift 3.x was BigInt 2.1.0. The last version with support for Swift 2 was BigInt 1.3.0.)
BigInt deploys to macOS 10.10, iOS 9, watchOS 2 and tvOS 9. It has been tested on the latest OS releases only—however, as the module uses very few platform-provided APIs, there should be very few issues with earlier versions.
BigInt uses no APIs specific to Apple platforms, so it should be easy to port it to other operating systems.
Setup instructions:
Swift Package Manager: Although the Package Manager is still in its infancy, BigInt provides experimental support for it. Add this to the dependency section of your
manifest:CocoaPods: Put this in your
:Carthage: Put this in your
:Implementation notes
is aMutableCollectionType
of its 64-bit digits, with the least significant digit at index 0. As a convenience,BigUInt
allows you to subscript it with indexes at or above itscount
. The subscript operator returns 0 for out-of-boundget
s and automatically extends the array on out-of-boundset
s. This makes memory management simpler.BigInt
is just a tiny wrapper around aBigUInt
[absolute value][magnitude] and a sign bit, both of which are accessible as public read-write properties.Why is there no generic
type?The types provided by
are not parametric—this is very much intentional, as Swift generics cost us dearly at runtime in this use case. In every approach I tried, making arbitrary-precision arithmetic operations work with a genericDigit
type parameter resulted in code that was literally ten times slower. If you can make the algorithms generic without such a huge performance hit, please enlighten me!This is an area that I plan to investigate more, as it would be useful to have generic implementations for arbitrary-width arithmetic operations. (Polynomial division and decimal bases are two examples.) The library already implements double-digit multiplication and division as extension methods on a protocol with an associated type requirement; this has not measurably affected performance. Unfortunately, the same is not true for
‘s methods.Of course, as a last resort, we could just duplicate the code to create a separate generic variant that was slower but more flexible.
Calculation Samples
Obligatory Factorial Demo
It is easy to use
to calculate the factorial function for any integer:Well, I guess that’s all right, but it’s not very interesting. Let’s try something more useful.
RSA Cryptography
module provides all necessary parts to implement an (overly) simple RSA cryptography system.Let’s start with a simple function that generates a random n-bit prime. The module includes a function to generate random integers of a specific size, and also an
method that performs the Miller–Rabin primality test. These are all we need:Cool! Now that we have two large primes, we can produce an RSA public/private keypair out of them.
In RSA, modular exponentiation is used to encrypt (and decrypt) messages.
Let’s try out our new keypair by converting a string into UTF-8, interpreting the resulting binary representation as a big integer, and encrypting it with the public key.
has an initializer that takes anNSData
, so this is pretty easy to do:Well, it looks encrypted all right, but can we get the original message back? In theory, encrypting the cyphertext with the private key returns the original message. Let’s see:
Yay! This is truly terrific, but please don’t use this example code in an actual cryptography system. RSA has lots of subtle (and some not so subtle) complications that we ignored to keep this example short.
Calculating the Digits of π
Another fun activity to try with
s is to generate the digits of π. Let’s try implementing Jeremy Gibbon’s spigot algorithm. This is a rather slow algorithm as π-generators go, but it makes up for it with its grooviness factor: it’s remarkably short, it only uses (big) integer arithmetic, and every iteration produces a single new digit in the base-10 representation of π. This naturally leads to an implementation as an infiniteGeneratorType
:Well, that was surprisingly easy. But does it work? Of course it does!
Now go and have some fun with big integers on your own!