Updated Package.swift
An implementation of BIP-0039 in Swift. If needed, you can use BIP39UserFlow to launch a customizable user flow of BIP39.
Add the following line to your Package.swift file:
.package(url: "https://github.com/anquii/BIP39.git", from: "1.0.0")
…or integrate with Xcode via File -> Swift Packages -> Add Package Dependency... using the URL of the repository.
File -> Swift Packages -> Add Package Dependency...
import BIP39 let entropyGenerator: EntropyGenerating = EntropyGenerator() let entropy = try entropyGenerator.entropy(security: .strongest) let wordListProvider: WordListProviding = EnglishWordListProvider() let mnemonicConstructor: MnemonicConstructing = MnemonicConstructor() let mnemonic = mnemonicConstructor.mnemonic(entropy: entropy, wordList: wordListProvider.wordList) let seedDerivator: SeedDerivating = SeedDerivator() let seed = try seedDerivator.seed(mnemonic: mnemonic, passphrase: "")
BIP39 is licensed under the terms of the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more information.
In developing BIP39, KevinVitale‘s WalletKit has been used as a reference implementation. In addition, BIP39 depends on krzyzanowskim‘s CryptoSwift for crypto operations.
If you’ve found this software useful, please consider making a small contribution to one of these crypto addresses:
XNAV: xNTYqoQDzsiB5Cff9Wpt65AgZxYkt1GFy7KwuDafqRU2bcAZqoZUW4Q9TZ9QRHSy8cPsM5ALkJasizJCmqSNP9CosxrF2RbKHuDz5uJVUBcKJfvnb3RZaWygr8Bhuqbpc3DsgfB3ayc XMR: 49jzT7Amu9BCvc5q3PGiUzWXEBQTLQw68a2KvBFTMs7SHjeWgrSKgxs69ycFWQupyw9fpR6tdT8Hp5h3KksrBG9m4c8aXiG BTC: bc1q7hehfmnq67x5k7vz0cnc75qyflkqtxe2avjkyw ETH (ERC-20) & BNB (BEP-20): 0xe08e383B4042749dE5Df57d48c57A690DC322b8d
©Copyright 2023 CCF 开源发展委员会 Powered by Trustie& IntelliDE 京ICP备13000930号
An implementation of BIP-0039 in Swift. If needed, you can use BIP39UserFlow to launch a customizable user flow of
Swift Package Manager
Add the following line to your
file:…or integrate with Xcode via
File -> Swift Packages -> Add Package Dependency...
using the URL of the repository.Usage
is licensed under the terms of the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more information.Acknowledgments
In developing
, KevinVitale‘s WalletKit has been used as a reference implementation. In addition,BIP39
depends on krzyzanowskim‘s CryptoSwift for crypto operations.Donations
If you’ve found this software useful, please consider making a small contribution to one of these crypto addresses: