A decorative, width agnostic, sign-and-magnitude, numeric integer.
Sign & Magnitude
Single Digit Arithmetic
typealias Magnitude = UInt
let min = ANKSigned(Magnitude.max, as: FloatingPointSign.minus)
let max = ANKSigned(Magnitude.max, as: FloatingPointSign.plus )
Check out my other projects
Numberick is a more pragmatic solution to the same problem.
Large number arithmetic in Swift.
ANKCoreKit (Sources, Tests, Benchmarks)
Models, protocols, extensions and utilities underpinning this package.
ANKFullWidthKit (Sources, Tests, Benchmarks)
A composable, large, fixed-width, two’s complement, binary integer.
ANKSignedKit (Sources, Tests, Benchmarks)
A decorative, width agnostic, sign-and-magnitude, numeric integer.
Check out my other projects
Numberick is a more pragmatic solution to the same problem.