🏹 Archery
Archery allows you to declare all your project’s metadata and what you can do with it in one single place.
All fueled with the power of scripting.
Within Archery all your data is either declared as YAML in one file called Archerfile
or generated by scripts, which will be passed to arrows as JSON.
The whole content of that file is treated as metadata. Within scripts
you declare whatever you want to run, loaders
is there to generate additional metadata.
The following code shows how an Archerfile may look like. Besides the name and version of the project, it declares two scripts:
name: YourProject
help: Thanks for downloading this project and trying it out.
version: 1.0.0
- cat Metadata/*.yml
xcproj: swift package generate-xcodeproj
arrow: vknabel/StencilArrow
help: Injects the current version into the SPM project
template: Version.swift.stencil
destination: Sources/ArcheryKit/Version.generated.swift
searchPaths: [Scripts]
$ archery xcproj
will use Mint to load vknabel/BashArrow, which executes a given command. Whenever you want to run simple scripts on the command line which do not require global installs, this is an universal way to go.
$ archery generate-version
is based on vknabel/StencilArrow. It will pass all contents of the Archerfile to render the contents of Version.swift.stencil
using the Stencil language. Whenever you need information of your Archerfile inside other files, this way should be the most convenient.
If you are new to a project, Archery will help you to get started as it acts as a project internal CLI. The generated help for the Archerfile can be accessed as below.
$ archery
Thanks for downloading this project and trying it out.
Available Commands:
generate-version Injects the current version into the SPM project
xcproj Generate the Xcode Project for the current SwiftPM project
No matter which arrow you will choose for your scripts: it comes with all dependencies it needs. No need for any additional commands.
The script tag at root level drives the available subcommands and is interpreted as Array of scripts.
Option |
Default |
Description |
arrow |
Required |
Github repository for a Swift CLI. See vknabel/ArrowKit. |
version |
master |
The version that shall be used. Will be cached within .archery/mint |
help |
None |
The description of the script. |
nestedArrow |
false |
Treat subcommands as arrow. Allows to write arrows in different languages. See vknabel/ArrowKit. |
Getting Started
In order to use Archery within your own project, either create your Archerfile by hand or let Archery create one for you.
$ archery init
🏹 Created at Archerfile
Now you can add all your metadata and scripts. Don’t know where to start? Here are some examples for you:
- If you develop a library you could generate your
, Package.swift
and Cartfile
. All your dependencies would be declared within your Archerfile, the manifests would be generated using vknabel/StencilArrow.
- What is your release process? Why not start it using
$ archery release
? As this script will be more complex, the best would be to use vknabel/ArcheryArrow. You can find a more complete list at the Available Arrows.
- What do you need to install or configure in order to get started with your project? You could move some dependencies into arrows or guide the new users through a tutorial. You can find a more complete list at the Available Arrows.
Using Mint
$ mint run vknabel/Archery
Using Marathon
$ marathon run vknabel/archery
Swift Package Manager
$ git clone https://github.com/vknabel/Archery.git
$ cd Archery
$ swift build -c release
$ cp -f .build/release/archery /usr/local/bin/archery
Archery can also be embedded within your own CLI using SwiftPM.
Environment Variables
Archery passes the following environment variables to each script including loaders.
Name |
Description |
Example use case |
Path to the archery executable. |
To run child processes $ARCHERY script-name |
JSON contents of all metadata. |
Parse metadata in your scripts. |
JSON contents of the script config. |
Parse config in your scripts. |
Number of the API level. |
To improve backwards compatibility. |
Path to the mint driver. |
In case your script relies on mint. |
Available Legacy Arrows
Currently the following arrows are known. Feel free to add your own arrows. If you want to write your own arrow head over to vknabel/ArrowKit and feel free to add to add your own arrow here.
vknabel/ArcheryArrow Runs multiple scripts.
- Automate complex actions by reusing small building blocks
- Combine all steps for a new release into one command
- Enforce code style and code format in a pre-commit hook
vknabel/BashArrow Run bash scripts.
- Write custom arrows in other languages using the
"nestedArrow": true
- Generate your docs using jazzy
vknabel/BeakArrow Run functions inside Swift files.
Based on yonaskolb/Beak.
- Great to keep related programs together
- Automate your project
- Write custom arrows in Swift using
"nestedArrow": true
vknabel/StencilArrow Render your metadata.
Based on kylef/Stencil.
- Keep your versions up-to-date
- Generate your Podfile
- Create new models or classes
vknabel/MarathonArrow Run Swift scripts.
Based on JohnSundell/Marathon.
- Write arrows that are specific to your project with
"nestedArrow": true
- Automate your project
vknabel/MintArrow Run CLIs written in Swift. Internally used for all arrows.
Based on yonaskolb/Mint.
- Run Swiftlint, SwiftFormat and other scripts
- Install local dependencies when needed
Development Status
As Archery is still in early development I want every user to know as early as possible what may actually change or break in future. This project uses semantic versioning. Version 1.0.0 will be released when known bugs are fixed, all major features have been implemented and upcoming one can be implemented without breaking changes. Additional requirements are a good documentation and good error messages. Until 1.0 has been reached minor updates may break, but patches will stay patches and hence safe for updates.
Archery is available under the MIT license.
🏹 Archery
Archery allows you to declare all your project’s metadata and what you can do with it in one single place. All fueled with the power of scripting.
Within Archery all your data is either declared as YAML in one file called
or generated by scripts, which will be passed to arrows as JSON. The whole content of that file is treated as metadata. Withinscripts
you declare whatever you want to run,loaders
is there to generate additional metadata.The following code shows how an Archerfile may look like. Besides the name and version of the project, it declares two scripts:
$ archery xcproj
will use Mint to load vknabel/BashArrow, which executes a given command. Whenever you want to run simple scripts on the command line which do not require global installs, this is an universal way to go.$ archery generate-version
is based on vknabel/StencilArrow. It will pass all contents of the Archerfile to render the contents ofVersion.swift.stencil
using the Stencil language. Whenever you need information of your Archerfile inside other files, this way should be the most convenient.If you are new to a project, Archery will help you to get started as it acts as a project internal CLI. The generated help for the Archerfile can be accessed as below.
No matter which arrow you will choose for your scripts: it comes with all dependencies it needs. No need for any additional commands.
The script tag at root level drives the available subcommands and is interpreted as Array of scripts.
Getting Started
In order to use Archery within your own project, either create your Archerfile by hand or let Archery create one for you.
Now you can add all your metadata and scripts. Don’t know where to start? Here are some examples for you:
. All your dependencies would be declared within your Archerfile, the manifests would be generated using vknabel/StencilArrow.$ archery release
? As this script will be more complex, the best would be to use vknabel/ArcheryArrow. You can find a more complete list at the Available Arrows.Installation
Using Mint
Using Marathon
Swift Package Manager
Archery can also be embedded within your own CLI using SwiftPM.
Environment Variables
Archery passes the following environment variables to each script including loaders.
$ARCHERY script-name
Available Legacy Arrows
Currently the following arrows are known. Feel free to add your own arrows. If you want to write your own arrow head over to vknabel/ArrowKit and feel free to add to add your own arrow here.
vknabel/ArcheryArrow Runs multiple scripts.
vknabel/BashArrow Run bash scripts.
"nestedArrow": true
vknabel/BeakArrow Run functions inside Swift files. Based on yonaskolb/Beak.
"nestedArrow": true
vknabel/StencilArrow Render your metadata. Based on kylef/Stencil.
vknabel/MarathonArrow Run Swift scripts. Based on JohnSundell/Marathon.
"nestedArrow": true
vknabel/MintArrow Run CLIs written in Swift. Internally used for all arrows. Based on yonaskolb/Mint.
Development Status
As Archery is still in early development I want every user to know as early as possible what may actually change or break in future. This project uses semantic versioning. Version 1.0.0 will be released when known bugs are fixed, all major features have been implemented and upcoming one can be implemented without breaking changes. Additional requirements are a good documentation and good error messages. Until 1.0 has been reached minor updates may break, but patches will stay patches and hence safe for updates.
Archery is available under the MIT license.