Aesthete is a Swift package that provides utilities to assist in working with various aesthetic concepts, such as visual forms and color schemes.
A new type of color representation object (HSBAColor) that works across platforms, unifies the other color types, and is Codable and Hashable
A representation type for related groups of colors (ColorScheme) and its many extensions to make it simple to create visually-pleasing color schemes
Data objects for working with visual forms, including those that repeat along a line (RepeatableLinearForm) and those that are used to represent both symmetrical and asymetrical symbols (SymbolicForm)
Data objects to ease the process of working with sections of paths that need to be independently stored, modified, or repeated (Pathlet)
Various extensions to standard datatypes to enhance their functionality
In the Playgrounds folder, you will find examples of how to use some of the features of Aesthete.
Aesthete was written by B.T. Franklin (@btfranklin) from 2019 onward and is licensed under the MIT license. See
is a Swift package that provides utilities to assist in working with various aesthetic concepts, such as visual forms and color schemes.Features
) that works across platforms, unifies the other color types, and isCodable
) and its many extensions to make it simple to create visually-pleasing color schemesRepeatableLinearForm
) and those that are used to represent both symmetrical and asymetrical symbols (SymbolicForm
In the Playgrounds folder, you will find examples of how to use some of the features of
was written by B.T. Franklin (@btfranklin) from 2019 onward and is licensed under the MIT license. See