Caveat developer: As this package is pre-release, the API may change significantly without notice. It has not been tested, so use it at your own risk.
ActionBuilder allows you to write SpriteKit animations in a more succinct, declarative manner. It consists of various structs representing basic animations like Scale and Rotate.
Versus the same animation using Apple’s SpriteKit SKActions:
let emoteAction: SKAction = {
let fadeIn = SKAction.fadeIn(withDuration: 0.7)
let grow = SKAction.scale(by: 1.5, duration: 0.7)
let moveUp = SKAction.moveTo(y: 30, duration: 0.7)
let appear =[fadeIn, grow, moveUp])
let wait = SKAction.wait(forDuration: 1)
let disappear = SKAction.fadeOut(withDuration: 1)
let remove = SKAction.removeFromParent()
let emoteAnimation = SKAction.sequence([appear, wait, disappear, remove])
return emoteAnimation
ActionBuilder allows you to use conditional and looping statements within your animation declaration to make them more flexible and easier to write.
Coordinate animations across multiple nodes with the changeTarget(to:) modifier.
Custom operators included: + will concatenate actions into a sequence, & will group them to run simultaneously, - will reverse reversible actions, and * allows you to repeat an action multiple times.
You can even include SKActions if no equivalent is available in ActionBuilder.
let node = SKNode()
let otherNode = SKNode() {
Group {
Sequence {
for i in 0...9 {
Colorize(with: UIColor(red: Double(i/10), green: 0.7, blue: 0.7, alpha: 1))
.changeTarget(to: otherNode)
Sequence {
let moveUp = Move(by: (0, 10))
if Bool.random() {
moveUp * 2
} else {
SKAction.resize(toHeight: 20, duration: 5)
Caveat developer: As this package is pre-release, the API may change significantly without notice. It has not been tested, so use it at your own risk.
ActionBuilder allows you to write SpriteKit animations in a more succinct, declarative manner. It consists of various structs representing basic animations like
.An animation created with ActionBuilder:
Versus the same animation using Apple’s SpriteKit SKActions:
ActionBuilder allows you to use conditional and looping statements within your animation declaration to make them more flexible and easier to write.
Coordinate animations across multiple nodes with the
modifier.Custom operators included:
will concatenate actions into a sequence,&
will group them to run simultaneously,-
will reverse reversible actions, and*
allows you to repeat an action multiple times.You can even include
s if no equivalent is available in ActionBuilder.See Apple’s documentation: