
App Store Connect Kit

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App Store Connect API access using your teams API key.

This is a package providing access to Apple’s App Store Connect API. The idea was born since I have to manage 30+ apps in our account in my day-to-day job. I needed a tool where I can make batch adjustments to all apps at once. This package provides the backbone of two of my apps that do that job:

  • an iOS app (not public yet) and
  • my command line tool asc which is part of my Assist package

I continuously evolve ASCKit as I require new functionality here. Please feel free to provide feedback or add new functionality by opening a PR.

Code Documentation

The code documentation is generated and hosted by Swift Package Index (powered by DocC)


To release this Swift package the following steps have to be taken:

  • Create a new branch release-x.y.z
  • Increment the version in https://github.com/Blackjacx/ASCKit/blob/develop/.spi.yml
  • Run bash <(curl -H -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Blackjacx/Scripts/master/frameworks/bootstrap.sh) to update to the latest shared development files
  • Run bundle update to update all Ruby gems
  • Commit all changes, make a PR and merge it to develop
  • Run bundle exec fastlane release framework:"ASCKit" version:"x.y.z" to release the new version
  • Post the following on Twitter ``` ASCKit release x.y.z 🎉

▸ 🚀 Library package ASCKit (x.y.z) successfully published ▸ 📅 September 2nd ▸ 🌎 https://swiftpackageindex.com/Blackjacx/ASCKit ▸ 🌎 https://github.com/Blackjacx/ASCKit/releases/latest ▸ 👍 Tell your friends!

SPM #Apple #Development #AppStore #AppStoreConnect #AppStoreConnectAPI #Kit #Library #Package #Framework #Tools #Boilerplate #Code

## Contribution

- If you found a **bug**, please open an **issue**.
- If you have a **feature request**, please open an **issue**.
- If you want to **contribute**, please submit a **pull request**.

## Author

[Stefan Herold](mailto:stefan.herold@gmail.com) • 🐦 [@Blackjacxxx](https://twitter.com/Blackjacxxx)

## Contributors

Thanks to all of you who are part of this:

<a href="https://github.com/blackjacx/asckit/graphs/contributors">
  <img src="https://contrib.rocks/image?repo=blackjacx/asckit" />

## License

ASCKit is available under the MIT license. See the [LICENSE](LICENSE) file for more info.
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