
GitHub release Swift Package Manager license

Control terminal cursor and font or erase content. Build modern, interactive command line tool with colorful and dynamic output strings.


Table of Contents


Add ANSIEscapeCode to Package.swift.

dependencies: [
    .package(url: "https://github.com/flintbox/ANSIEscapeCode", from: "0.1.1")



\u{001B}[(n)A: Move cursor up n (default 1) cells.

ANSIEscapeCode.Cursor.up(3) // \u{001B}[3A
moveCursorUp() /// Move cursor up 1 cell.


\u{001B}[(n)B: Move cursor down n (default 1) cells.

ANSIEscapeCode.Cursor.down() // \u{001B}[1B
moveCursorDown(5) /// Move cursor down 5 cells.


\u{001B}[(n)C: Move cursor forward n (default 1) cells.

ANSIEscapeCode.Cursor.forward(9) // \u{001B}[9C
moveCursorForward(4) // Move cursor forward 4 cells.


\u{001B}[(n)D: Move cursor backward n (default 1) cells.

ANSIEscapeCode.Cursor.backward() // \u{001B}[1D
moveCursorBackward(2) // Move cursor backward 2 cells.

Next Line

\u{001B}[(n)E: Move cursor to beginning of the line n (default 1) lines down.

ANSIEscapeCode.Cursor.nextLine(2) // \u{001B}[2E
moveCursorNextLine() // Move cursor to next line.

Previous Line

\u{001B}[(n)F: Move cursor to beginning of the line n (default 1) lines up.

ANSIEscapeCode.Cursor.previousLine(3) // \u{001B}[3F
moveCursorPreviousLine(5) // Move cursor to next line 5 times.


\u{001B}[(n)G: Move cursor to column n.

ANSIEscapeCode.Cursor.column(2) // \u{001B}[2G
moveCursorToColumn(2) // Move cursor to second column.


\u{001B}[(n);(m)1H: Move cursor to row n, column m.

ANSIEscapeCode.Cursor.position(row: 1, column: 1) // \u{001B}[1;1H
moveCursorToPosition(row: 5, column: 10) // Move cursor to position row 5 and column 10.

Save Position

\u{001B}[s: Save cursor position.

ANSIEscapeCode.Cursor.saveCursorPosition // \u{001B}[s
saveCursorPosition() // Save cursor position.

Restore Position

\u{001B}[u: Restore cursor position.

ANSIEscapeCode.Cursor.restoreCursorPosition // \u{001B}[u
restoreCursorPosition() // Restore cursor position.


\u{001B}[?25l: Hide cursor.

ANSIEscapeCode.Cursor.hideCursor // \u{001B}[?25l
hideCursor() // Hide cursor.


\u{001B}[?25h: Show cursor.

ANSIEscapeCode.Cursor.showCursor // \u{001B}[?25h
showCursor() // Show cursor.


Erase in Display

\u{001B}[(n)J: Clear part of the screen. If n is 0 (or missing), clear from cursor to end of screen. If n is 1, clear from cursor to beginning of the screen. If n is 2, clear entire screen.

ANSIEscapeCode.Erase.eraseInDisplay(.entireScreen) // \u{001B}[2J
eraseInDisplay(.fromCursorToBeginningOfScreen) // Erase content from cursor to beginning of screen.

Erase in Line

\u{001B}[(n)K: Erase part of the line. If n is zero (or missing), clear from cursor to the end of the line. If n is 1, clear from cursor to beginning of the line. If n is 2, clear entire line. Cursor position does not change.

ANSIEscapeCode.Erase.eraseInLine(.fromCursorToEndOfLine) // \u{001B}[0K
eraseInLine(.entireLine) // Erase entire line.


Scroll Up

\u{001B}[(n)S: Scroll whole page up by n (default 1) lines. New lines are added at the bottom.

ANSIEscapeCode.Scroll.up() // \u{001B}[1S
scrollUp(3) // Scroll up screen 3 lines.

Scroll Down

\u{001B}[(n)T: Scroll whole page down by n (default 1) lines. New lines are added at the top.

ANSIEscapeCode.Scroll.down(5) // \u{001B}[5T
scrollDown() // Scroll down screen 1 line.



\u{001B}[0m: Reset all decoration attributes.

ANSIEscapeCode.Decoration.reset // \u{001B}[0m

Reset Background Color

\u{001B}[39m: Reset background decoration attributes.

ANSIEscapeCode.Decoration.resetBackgroundColor // \u{001B}[39m


\u{001B}[1m: Make output bold.

ANSIEscapeCode.Decoration.bold // \u{001B}[1m
print("bold text".boldOutput) // Print bold text.


\u{001B}[3m: Make output italic.

ANSIEscapeCode.Decoration.italic // \u{001B}[3m
print("italic text".italicOutput) // Print italic text.


\u{001B}[4m: Make output have underline.

ANSIEscapeCode.Decoration.underline // \u{001B}[4m
print("underline text".underlineOutput) // Print underline text.

\u{001B}[5m: Make output blink.

ANSIEscapeCode.Decoration.blink // \u{001B}[5m
print("blinking text".blinkOutput) // Print blinking text.

Text Color

\u{001B}[(COLOR)m Set text color on terminal. Check TextColor.swift for available colors.

ANSIEscapeCode.Decoration.textColor(.red) // \u{001B}[31m
print("red text".color(.red)) // Print red text.

Text 8 Bits Color

\u{001B}[38;5;(COLOR)m Set text 8 bits color on terminal. Check here for available colors.

ANSIEscapeCode.Decoration.text8BitsColor(200) // \u{001B}[38;5;200m
print("orange text".colorFrom8BitsColorSet(208)) // Print orange text.

Text RGB Color

\u{001B}[38;2;(RED);(GREEN);(BLUE)m Set text RGB color on terminal. Check here for more.

ANSIEscapeCode.Decoration.textRGBColor(red: 30, green: 20, blue: 10) // \u{001B}[38;2;30;20;10m
print("mint text".colorFromRGBColorSet(red: 170, green: 240, blue: 209)) // Print mint text.

Background Color

\u{001B}[(COLOR)m Set text background color on terminal. Check BackgroundColor.swift for available colors.

ANSIEscapeCode.Decoration.backgroundColor(.red) // \u{001B}[41m
print("red background".backgroundColor(.red)) // Print text with red background.

Background 8 Bits Color

\u{001B}[38;5;(COLOR)m Set text background 8 bits color on terminal. Check here for available colors.

ANSIEscapeCode.Decoration.background8BitsColor(200) // \u{001B}[48;5;200m
print("orange background".backgroundColorFrom8BitsColorSet(208)) // Print text with orange background.

Background RGB Color

\u{001B}[48;2;(RED);(GREEN);(BLUE)m Set text background RGB color on terminal. Check here for more.

ANSIEscapeCode.Decoration.backgroundRGBColor(red: 30, green: 20, blue: 10) // \u{001B}[48;2;30;20;10m
print("mint background".backgroundColorFromRGBColorSet(red: 170, green: 240, blue: 209)) // Print text with mint background.


If you have good idea or suggestion? Please, don’t hesitate to open a pull request or send me an email.

Hope you enjoy building command line tool with ANSIEscapeCode!

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