
Animated popover that pops out of a frame. You can specify the direction of the popover and the arrow that points to its origin. Color, border radius and font can be easily customized.
This popover can be used to leave subtle hints about your UI and provide fun looking onboarding popups.

Versioning notes
With version 2.0.0
the library was re-written in Swift, and the API was slightly updated. Checkout version 1.5.x
for the previous Objective-C implementation.
Version 3.0.0
introduces Swift 4 support, 3.5.0
Swift 4.2.
Setup with CocoaPods
- Add
pod 'AMPopTip'
to your Podfile
- Run
pod install
- Run
open App.xcworkspace
Setup with Carthage
- Add
github "andreamazz/AMPopTip"
- Run
carthage update
- Add
in your project
You can then import the framework in your project
import AMPopTip
The API is fairly straight forward, you can show and hide the popover at any time.
Showing the popover
You must specify the text that you want to display alongside the popover direction, its max width, the view that will contain it and the frame of the view that the popover’s arrow will point to.
let popTip = PopTip()
popTip.show(text: "Hey! Listen!", direction: .up, maxWidth: 200, in: view, from: someView.frame)
You can also display the popover in the center, with no arrow, in this case the from
can be the whole view:
popTip.show(text: "Hey! Listen!", direction: .none, maxWidth: 200, in: view, from: view.frame)
Coordinate system
Please note that the frame you are intended to provide needs to refer to the absolute coordinate system of the view you are presenting the popover in. This means that if you are presenting the popover in a view, pointing to a nested subview, you’ll need to convert its frame using UIKit’s convertRect(_:toView:)
. Read the reference here.
You can specify the direction that the tip will occupy, or you can let the library decide by using auto
(all axis), autoHorizontal
(only left
or right
) or autoVertical
(only up
or down
). Once the popup is visible, the direction
property will hold the direction that was decided.
Showing a custom view
You can provide a custom view that will be wrapped in the PopTip and presented.
let customView = UIView(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 100, height: 100))
// Configure your view
popTip.show(customView: customView, direction: .down, in: view, from: someView.frame)
Showing a custom SwiftUI view
You can provide a custom SwiftUI view that will be embed in a UIHostingController
, added to a parent controller and then wrapped in the PopTip and presented.
let customSwiftUIView = MySwiftUIView()
// Configure your view
popTip.show(rootView: customSwiftUIView, direction: .down, in: view, from: someView.frame, parent: someParentViewController)
Dismissing the popover
You can hide the popover by calling:
Or you can specify the duration of the popover:
popTip.show(text: "Hey! Listen!", direction: .up, maxWidth: 200, in: view, from: someView.frame, duration: 3)
You can also let the user dismiss the popover by tapping on it (default true
popTip.shouldDismissOnTap = true
You can also let the user tap outside the popover dismiss the PopTip (default true
popTip.shouldDismissOnTapOutside = true
You can also consider the origin frame as part of the popTip, i.e. treat the origin frame the same as tapping the popover (default false
popTip.shouldConsiderOriginatingFrameAsPopTip = true
You can also consider the cutout as a separate tap area that will call a different callback (default false
popTip.shouldConsiderCutoutTapSeparately = true
You can also allow the user to dismiss via swiping outside the PopTip (default false
) (direction is controlled via popTip.swipeRemoveGestureDirection
with UISwipeGestureRecognizer.Direction
popTip.shouldDismissOnSwipeOutside = false
You can add a block that will be fired when the user taps the PopTip…
popTip.tapHandler = { popTip in
print("\(popTip) tapped")
… when the cutout is tapped…
popTip.tapCutoutHandler = { popTip in
print("\(popTip) cutout tapped")
… when the popover is shown…
popTip.appearHandler = { popTip in
print("\(popTip) appeared")
… or when the popover is dismissed:
popTip.dismissHandler = { popTip in
print("\(popTip) dismissed")
popTip.tapOutsideHandler = { _ in
print("tap outside")
popTip.swipeOutsideHandler = { _ in
print("swipe outside")
Forwarding tap gesture on dismiss
By default the “tap to dismiss” gesture recognizer cancels the taps in the view, you can enable this behaviour manually if needed:
popTip.tapToRemoveGestureRecognizer?.cancelsTouchesInView = false
Updating the PopTip
You can update the text, attributed text, or custom view to a PopTip already visible:
popTip.update(text: "New string")
popTip.update(attributedText: someAttributedString)
popTip.update(customView: someView)
The position can also be changed by updating the from
let here = CGRect(x: 100, 100, 10, 10)
let there = CGRect(x: 400, 400, 10, 10)
popTip.show(text: "Hey! Listen!", direction: .up, maxWidth: 200, in: view, from: here)
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 2) {
popTip.from = there
Custom entrance animation
You can choose which animation should be performed when the popTip is displayed:
popTip.entranceAnimation = .scale;
Available animations:
You can provide your own animation block when using PopTipEntranceAnimation.custom
popTip.entranceAnimationHandler = { [weak self] completion in
guard let `self` = self else { return }
self.popTip.transform = CGAffineTransform(rotationAngle: 0.3)
UIView.animate(withDuration: 0.5, animations: {
self.popTip.transform = .identity
}, completion: { (_) in
This sample makes the PopTip rotate on entrance. Make sure to call the completion block when the animation is done. Also note that the animation is fired as soon as the PopTip is added as subview.
Action animations
Action animations are subtle animations that can be performed to get the user’s attention.
Set your preferred animation:
popTip.actionAnimation = .bounce()
Available animations:
The animation is fired as soon as the popover enters the scene and completes its entrance animation, if startActionAnimationOnShow
is set to true.
Customize the animations
You can pass a custom value as an associated value to customize the action animation:
popTip.actionAnimation = .bounce(16) // This will bounce for 16px instead of the default value

Customizing the arrow position
The arrow is centered by default, and moves to avoid the edge of the screen. You can manually change the offset from the center using the bubbleOffset
A note about subviews
The popover is presented inside the view provided in the in
parameter. If this view is smaller than the resulting popover, to prevent clipping set clipsToBounds = false
on the presenting view, and set constrainInContainerView = false
to the pop tip instance. See #175 for more context.
Use the appearance proxy to customize the popover before creating the instance, or just use its public properties:
textColor = <#UIColor#>;
textAlignment = <#NSTextAlignment#>
bubbleColor = <#UIColor#>
bubbleLayerGenerator = <#(PopTip)->Void#>
borderColor = <#UIColor#>
borderWidth = <#CGFloat#>
cornerRadius = <#CGFloat#> // Popover's border radius
isRounded = <#Bool#> // If set to YES the radius will equal frame.height / 2
offset = <#CGFloat#> // Offset between the popover and the origin
font = <#UIFont#>
padding = <#CGFloat#>
edgeInsets = <#UIEdgeInsets#>
arrowSize = <#CGSize#>
animationIn = <#TimeInterval#>
animationOut = <#TimeInterval#>
delayIn = <#TimeInterval#>
delayOut = <#TimeInterval#>
entranceAnimation = <#PopTipEntranceAnimation#>
exitAnimation = <#PopTipExitAnimation#>
actionAnimation = <#PopTipActionAnimation#>
actionAnimationIn = <#TimeInterval#>
actionAnimationOut = <#TimeInterval#>
actionDelayIn = <#TimeInterval#>
actionDelayOut = <#TimeInterval#>
edgeMargin = <#CGFloat#>
bubbleOffset = <#CGFloat#> // Offset between the bubble and the origin
arrowOffset = <#CGFloat#> // Offset between the bubble center and the arrow
arrowRadius = <#CGFloat#>
shadowOpacity = <#Float#>
shadowRadius = <#Float#>
shadowOffset = <#CGSize#>
shadowColor = <#UIColor#>
maskColor = <#UIColor#>
shouldShowMask = <#Bool#>
shouldCutoutMask = <#Bool#>
cutoutPathGenerator = <#(CGRect)->UIBezierPath#>
constrainInContainerView = <#Bool#>
Background mask
A background mask can be applied to dim the background when the PopTip is active, this can be enabeld by setting the public property to true
popTip.shouldShowMask = true
The color is set by the maskColor
property (default is UIColor(red: 0, green: 0, blue: 0, alpha: 0.6)
popTip.maskColor = UIColor(red: 1, green: 0, blue: 0, alpha: 0.6)
Adding a cutout
A cutout can be applied to the background mask to allow the from
view to be visible through the dimmed background. shouldShowMask
must be true
as well as shouldCutoutMask
for this to work. The cutout path is supplied via a closure with a signature of (_ from: CGRect) -> UIBezierPath
stored against public property cutoutPathGenerator
. The closure will provide an argument which is the CGRect
frame supplied to popTip.show(...)
The default generator add an 8
rounded rectangle around the from
frame area which has 8
padding in the x
and y
directions, it is as follows but can be changed to whatever is desired:
popTip.cutoutPathGenerator = { from in
UIBezierPath(roundedRect: from.insetBy(dx: -8, dy: -8), byRoundingCorners: .allCorners, cornerRadii: CGSize(width: 8, height: 8))
A seperate callback closure can be called on tapping the area defined by the cutoutPathGenerator
provided both shouldShowMask
and shouldCutoutMask
are true
, the closure is as follows:
popTip.tapCutoutHandler = { popTip in
print("\(popTip) cutout tapped")
Custom bubble background
A custom CALayer
can be used as the background for the PopTip bubble, this is supplied via a closure with a signauture of ((_ path: UIBezierPath) -> CALayer?)?
stored against public property bubbleLayerGenerator
. The closure will provide an argument which is the UIBezierPath
that represents the draw path for the PopTip bubble and arrow.
If bubbleLayerGenerator
is nil
, then the bubbleColor
will be used instead for a solid background fill. If bubbleLayerGenerator
is not nil
, then it will be used, providing it provides a valid CALayer
, otherwise bubbleColor
will be used as a solid color fallback. Example below:
popTip.bubbleLayerGenerator = { path in
let gradient = CAGradientLayer()
gradient.frame = path.bounds
gradient.colors = [UIColor.black.withAlphaComponent(0.4).cgColor, UIColor.black.withAlphaComponent(0.3)]
gradient.locations = [0, 1]
gradient.startPoint = CGPoint(x: 0.5, y: 0.0)
gradient.endPoint = CGPoint(x: 0.5, y: 1.0)
let shapeMask = CAShapeLayer()
shapeMask.path = path.cgPath
gradient.mask = shapeMask
return gradient
Andrea Mazzini. I’m available for freelance work, feel free to contact me.
Want to support the development of these free libraries? Buy me a coffee ☕️ via Paypal.
Thanks to everyone kind enough to submit a pull request.
MIT License
Copyright (c) 2017 Andrea Mazzini. All rights reserved.
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
to deal in the Software without restriction, including
without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
Animated popover that pops out of a frame. You can specify the direction of the popover and the arrow that points to its origin. Color, border radius and font can be easily customized. This popover can be used to leave subtle hints about your UI and provide fun looking onboarding popups.
Versioning notes
With version
the library was re-written in Swift, and the API was slightly updated. Checkout version1.5.x
for the previous Objective-C implementation.Version
introduces Swift 4 support,3.5.0
Swift 4.2.Setup with CocoaPods
pod 'AMPopTip'
to yourPodfile
pod install
open App.xcworkspace
Setup with Carthage
github "andreamazz/AMPopTip"
carthage update
in your projectYou can then import the framework in your project
The API is fairly straight forward, you can show and hide the popover at any time.
Showing the popover
You must specify the text that you want to display alongside the popover direction, its max width, the view that will contain it and the frame of the view that the popover’s arrow will point to.
You can also display the popover in the center, with no arrow, in this case the
can be the whole view:Coordinate system
Please note that the frame you are intended to provide needs to refer to the absolute coordinate system of the view you are presenting the popover in. This means that if you are presenting the popover in a view, pointing to a nested subview, you’ll need to convert its frame using UIKit’s
. Read the reference here.Direction
You can specify the direction that the tip will occupy, or you can let the library decide by using
(all axis),autoHorizontal
) orautoVertical
). Once the popup is visible, thedirection
property will hold the direction that was decided.Showing a custom view
You can provide a custom view that will be wrapped in the PopTip and presented.
Showing a custom SwiftUI view
You can provide a custom SwiftUI view that will be embed in a
, added to a parent controller and then wrapped in the PopTip and presented.Dismissing the popover
You can hide the popover by calling:
Or you can specify the duration of the popover:
You can also let the user dismiss the popover by tapping on it (default
):You can also let the user tap outside the popover dismiss the PopTip (default
):You can also consider the origin frame as part of the popTip, i.e. treat the origin frame the same as tapping the popover (default
):You can also consider the cutout as a separate tap area that will call a different callback (default
):You can also allow the user to dismiss via swiping outside the PopTip (default
) (direction is controlled viapopTip.swipeRemoveGestureDirection
):You can add a block that will be fired when the user taps the PopTip…
… when the cutout is tapped…
… when the popover is shown…
… or when the popover is dismissed:
Forwarding tap gesture on dismiss
By default the “tap to dismiss” gesture recognizer cancels the taps in the view, you can enable this behaviour manually if needed:
Updating the PopTip
You can update the text, attributed text, or custom view to a PopTip already visible:
The position can also be changed by updating the
property:Custom entrance animation
You can choose which animation should be performed when the popTip is displayed:
Available animations:
You can provide your own animation block when using
:This sample makes the PopTip rotate on entrance. Make sure to call the completion block when the animation is done. Also note that the animation is fired as soon as the PopTip is added as subview.
Action animations
Action animations are subtle animations that can be performed to get the user’s attention. Set your preferred animation:
Available animations:
The animation is fired as soon as the popover enters the scene and completes its entrance animation, if
is set to true.Customize the animations
You can pass a custom value as an associated value to customize the action animation:
Customizing the arrow position
The arrow is centered by default, and moves to avoid the edge of the screen. You can manually change the offset from the center using the
property.A note about subviews
The popover is presented inside the view provided in the
parameter. If this view is smaller than the resulting popover, to prevent clipping setclipsToBounds = false
on the presenting view, and setconstrainInContainerView = false
to the pop tip instance. See #175 for more context.Customization
Use the appearance proxy to customize the popover before creating the instance, or just use its public properties:
Background mask
A background mask can be applied to dim the background when the PopTip is active, this can be enabeld by setting the public property to
:The color is set by the
property (default isUIColor(red: 0, green: 0, blue: 0, alpha: 0.6)
):Adding a cutout
A cutout can be applied to the background mask to allow the
view to be visible through the dimmed background.shouldShowMask
must betrue
as well asshouldCutoutMask
for this to work. The cutout path is supplied via a closure with a signature of(_ from: CGRect) -> UIBezierPath
stored against public propertycutoutPathGenerator
. The closure will provide an argument which is theCGRect
frame supplied topopTip.show(...)
.The default generator add an
rounded rectangle around thefrom
frame area which has8
padding in thex
directions, it is as follows but can be changed to whatever is desired:A seperate callback closure can be called on tapping the area defined by the
provided bothshouldShowMask
, the closure is as follows:Custom bubble background
A custom
can be used as the background for the PopTip bubble, this is supplied via a closure with a signauture of((_ path: UIBezierPath) -> CALayer?)?
stored against public propertybubbleLayerGenerator
. The closure will provide an argument which is theUIBezierPath
that represents the draw path for the PopTip bubble and arrow.If
, then thebubbleColor
will be used instead for a solid background fill. IfbubbleLayerGenerator
is notnil
, then it will be used, providing it provides a validCALayer
, otherwisebubbleColor
will be used as a solid color fallback. Example below:Author
Andrea Mazzini. I’m available for freelance work, feel free to contact me.
Want to support the development of these free libraries? Buy me a coffee ☕️ via Paypal.
Thanks to everyone kind enough to submit a pull request.
MIT License