I made this for personal use, but feel free to use it or contribute.
For more examples check out Sources and Tests.
import AENetwork
/// - Note: Make `URL` with just a `String`
let anything: URL = "https://httpbin.org/anything"
/// - Note: Easily add parameters to `URL`
let url = anything.addingParameters(["foo" : "bar"])!
/// - Note: Factory methods on `URLRequest`
let body = try? Data(jsonWith: ["easy" : true])
let request = URLRequest.post(url: url, headers: ["hello" : "world"], body: body)
/// - Note: Convenient sending of request
request.send { result in
if let response = try? result.get() {
print("Status Code: \(response.statusCode)\n")
/// - Note: Integrated `Reachability`
print("Connected to network: \(Network.isOnline)")
/// - Note: Create custom `Network` instance when needed
let network = Network()
/// - Note: Monitor reachability state changes
network.reachability.stateDidChange = { state in
print("Reachability state: \(state.rawValue)\n")
/// - Note: Send request with `Fetcher` and use `ResponseResult` in completion
network.fetcher.send(request) { (result) in
do {
let response = try result.get()
print("Headers: \(response.headers as? [String : Any])\n")
} catch {
/// - Note: Simple creation of the entire backend layer
final class Backend: APIClient {
let baseURL: URL = "https://httpbin.org"
/// - Note: `APIClient` will by default use shared `Network` instance for sending `APIRequest`,
/// but a custom `APIClient` implementation can do it via specific `Network` instance,
/// or even via any other way to resolve `APIRequest` and return `APIResponse` in the completion.
/// - Note: Type safe and scalable architecture of API requests
extension Backend {
struct API {}
extension Backend.API {
struct Anything: APIRequest {
var method: URLRequest.Method { return .get }
var path: String { return "anything" }
var headers: [String : String]? { return ["X-Hello" : "X-World"] }
var parameters: [String : Any]? { return ["easy" : true] }
/// - Note: `Backend` example in action
let backend = Backend()
let apiRequest = Backend.API.Anything()
backend.send(apiRequest) { (result) in
switch result {
case .success(let response):
let dictionary = try? response.toDictionary()
print("Response: \(dictionary?.description ?? "")\n")
case .failure(let error):
Simple and lightweight networking in Swift
Swift Package Manager:
This code is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.