
Acceptance Criteria Driven Development

Clipboard with words GIVEN... WHEN... THEN...

Acceptance criteria driven development provides simple types for structuring scenario-oriented tests (given, when, then) to make following behavior-driven development in Swift easier.



  1. Add the following to your project:

    Xcode choose package repository
  2. Set the Add to target to your test target

    Xcode add to target
  3. Import the module to a test file with:
    import ACDD


func test_success() throws {
    var calculator = SumCalculator()
    try AC(scenario: "Calculator should be able to sum")
        .given("4 is entered into the calculator") {
            calculator.firstNumber = 4
        .and("5 is entered into the calculator") {
            calculator.secondNumber = 5
        .when("the sum is computed") {
            try calculator.computeSum()
        .then("the output is 9") {
            XCTAssertEqual(calculator.output!, 9)


Logging is handled through the LoggerType protocol. You can create your own logger by adhering to this protocol and linking it using one of the below methods. This package comes with a SimpleLogger that prints to console like so:

AC - Calculator should be able to sum
- GIVEN 4 is entered into the calculator
- AND 5 is entered into the calculator
- WHEN the sum is computed
- THEN the output is 9

Default Logger

Set the same logger for all ACs with:

ACDD.defaultLoger = SimpleLogger()

This would be best placed in a location that runs before any tests. Suggestions in this SO post.

Per AC

Set a logger per AC with:

AC(scenario: "The world should not end", logger: HadronColliderLogger())



ACDD enforces ordering.

  • The order is given, when, then.
  • Any number of ands are allowed after each of the above clauses.
  • How will you know if you’ve got the wrong order? The code won’t compile 😉

Omit handler

Every code handler is optional as there isn’t always a need to write code. An example could be:

func test_no_input() throws {
    var calculator = SumCalculator()
    try AC()
        .given("no numbers have been entered into the calculator")
        .when("the sum is computed") {
            XCTAssertThrowsError(try calculator.computeSum())
        .then("an error occurs")

Omit given

Omitting given is allowed. This is helpful when applying BDD to UI development. Example:

func test_text_exists() throws {
    var contentView: ContentView!
    try AC()
        .when("the screen appears") {
            contentView = ContentView()
        .then("I can see `Hello, world!`") {
            let inspection = try contentView.inspect()
            XCTAssertNoThrow(try inspection.find(text: "Hello, world!"))

The above uses ViewInspector


Every clause function rethrows a handler’s error to remove the need to fill your tests with verbose do {} catch {}. If you want to opt into this, add:

  • try before AC
  • throws after your test function declaration
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