$ cd Leaf-Glucose-Simulation
Leaf-Glucose-Simulation$ npm install -g gulp-cli
Install dependencies
Leaf-Glucose-Simulation$ npm install
Start gulp task. This will start a running process to copy files and compile changes to typescript files.
Leaf-Glucose-Simulation$ gulp
See the model on the browser by going to path_to_Leaf-Glucose-Simulation/dist/index.html . (e.g. file:///Users/myusername/dev/Leaf-Glucose-Simulation/dist/index.html)
Make changes with your favorite IDE. Changes to typescript will be immediately compiled to the dist folder.
See you change in the browser by refreshing the page.
A simulation that demonstrates what happens inside a leaf during Photosynthesis with emphasis on glucose production/storage/usage
Lights On,Off
Lights Full,3/4,1/2,1/4,Off
Lights Full,3/4,1/2,1/4,Off, No Graph
Lights On,Off, Water control enabled
Simulation Configuration
You can configure the simulation at the beginning by passing in these GET parameters to the model:
Simulation Start
Day 3 (light on)
Day 15 (light off)
You will need NPM (https://www.npmjs.com) and Git.
Checkout the project
Install gulp globally
Install dependencies
Start gulp task. This will start a running process to copy files and compile changes to typescript files.
See the model on the browser by going to path_to_Leaf-Glucose-Simulation/dist/index.html . (e.g. file:///Users/myusername/dev/Leaf-Glucose-Simulation/dist/index.html)
Make changes with your favorite IDE. Changes to typescript will be immediately compiled to the dist folder.
See you change in the browser by refreshing the page.
This is a good resource on using Gulp and TypeScript: https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/gulp.html