Final Project As we have confirmed, each team had presented a project proposal a few weeks before. The project should be a team work therefore it should be developed in a cooperated manner. In this homework, each student is expected to create FOUR repositories. TWO git repositories for your code in HW1 and HW2 about Ruby intro and Ruby advance. Push your entire local git repositories to the Trustie Git repositories named as hw-ruby-intro and hw-ruby-advance respectively. ONE git repository for your code in HW2, HW3, and HW4 about Rails. Push your entire local git repository to the Trustie Git repository named as hw-rottenpotatoes. In the final project, 1) Each student should create a course project in Trustie, and create ONE git repository named as finalproject in this course project. 2) If you have already developed some code and maintained them in other repositories, please Clone your existing repository from github or elsewhere to your local machine, and push the whole repository to the one you just created in Trustie. 3) Go to the homework page of this assignment, link the repository to the assignment as shown below.