

Alg-sel is a algorithm selection tool for SAT, MAXSAT, Plan etc. It’s based on multi-output regression model to predict the runtime for each algorithm. Compared to single-output learning, the multi-output learning can capture the relation of the candidate algorithms.

Alg-sel contains 3 multi-output learning method

  • Multi-output regression stacking.
  • Multi-output extreme randomized trees
  • Combined single- and multi-output trees


run_demo.sh give an example to train the alg-sel model for SAT. More datasets can be found in APBS: Algorithm Portfolio Benchmark Set.

$ ./run_demo.sh
input: ./run_demo.sh algtype
    1 | MultiOut-ET
    2 | MultiOut-RF
    3 | SingleOut-ET
    4 | SingleOut-RF
    5 | Stacking-ET
    6 | Stacking-RF
    7 | Combined-ET
    8 | Combined-RF
$ ./run_demo.sh 1
=========================== train ===================================
Main Options:
 -> Target type                      1
 -> Num of trees                     10
Parsing Data
 -> Reading Train Features : datasets/SAT_2012_seq_all_10fold_f2/fold_1/sat_new_train.features
 -> Reading Train Times    : datasets/SAT_2012_seq_all_10fold_f2/fold_1/sat_new_train.times
Basic Information on Data:
 --> Number of Algorithms            : 72
 --> Number of Features              : 32
 --> Number of Train-Feature-vectors : 5340
 --> Number of Train-Time-vectors    : 5340
target: y
training multi-output ET
model is saved in model.pickle
Training time: 13.02
=========================== predict =================================
Parsing Data
 -> Reading Test Features  : datasets/SAT_2012_seq_all_10fold_f2/fold_1/sat_new_test.features
 -> Reading Test Times     : datasets/SAT_2012_seq_all_10fold_f2/fold_1/sat_new_test.times
 Basic Information on Data:
 --> Number of Algorithms            : 72
 --> Number of Features              : 32
 --> Number of Test-Feature-vectors  : 594
 --> Number of Test-Time-vectors     : 594
Main Options:
 -> Trained model: model.pickle
      Multi-output ET; ntrees=10
Test-Instances                     : 594.0
n-Solved                           : 580.0
Percentage solved                  : 97.64
Geometric-Mean (shifted by 10)     : 18.64
Runtime-Mean                       : 137.38
Runtime-Mean-On-Solved             : 92.42
PAR-1                              : 137.38
PAR-5                              : 325.93
PAR-10                             : 561.62
VBS-Solved                         : 594.0
VBS-Percentage solved              : 100.00
VBS-Mean                           : 59.16
VBS-Geometric-Mean (shifted by 10) : 10.16
Testing time                       : 1.79

<p style="color:#333333;font-family:-apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, &quot;font-size:16px;"> Alg-sel is a algorithm selection tool for SAT, MAXSAT, Plan etc. It's based on multi-output regression to predict the runtimes of all algorithms. Compared to single-output learning, the multi-output learning can capture the relationships of the candidate algorithms more directly. </p> <p style="color:#333333;font-family:-apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, &quot;font-size:16px;"> Alg-sel contains 3 multi-output learning method </p> <ul style="color:#333333;font-family:-apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, &quot;font-size:16px;"> <li> Multi-output regressor stacking. </li> <li> Multi-output extreme randomized trees </li> <li> Combined single- and multi-output trees </li> </ul> <h2 style="color:#333333;font-family:-apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, &quot;"> <a id="user-content-demo" class="anchor" href="https://github.com/KaenChan/alg-sel#demo"></a>Demo </h2> <p style="color:#333333;font-family:-apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, &quot;font-size:16px;"> run_demo.sh&nbsp;give an example to train the alg-sel model for SAT. More datasets can be found in&nbsp;<a href="http://4c.ucc.ie/~ymalitsky/APBS.html">APBS: Algorithm Portfolio Benchmark Set</a>. </p> <pre>$ ./run_demo.sh input: ./run_demo.sh algtype algtype: 1 | MultiOut-ET 2 | MultiOut-RF 3 | SingleOut-ET 4 | SingleOut-RF 5 | Stacking-ET 6 | Stacking-RF 7 | Combined-ET 8 | Combined-RF</pre> <pre>$ ./run_demo.sh 1 datasets/SAT_2012_seq_all_10fold_f2/fold_1/sat_new_test.features wpms_industrial =========================== train =================================== Main Options: -&gt; Target type 1 -&gt; Num of trees 10 Parsing Data -&gt; Reading Train Features : datasets/SAT_2012_seq_all_10fold_f2/fold_1/sat_new_train.features -&gt; Reading Train Times : datasets/SAT_2012_seq_all_10fold_f2/fold_1/sat_new_train.times Basic Information on Data: --&gt; Number of Algorithms : 72 --&gt; Number of Features : 32 --&gt; Number of Train-Feature-vectors : 5340 --&gt; Number of Train-Time-vectors : 5340 target: y training multi-output ET model is saved in model.pickle Training time: 13.02 =========================== predict ================================= Parsing Data -&gt; Reading Test Features : datasets/SAT_2012_seq_all_10fold_f2/fold_1/sat_new_test.features -&gt; Reading Test Times : datasets/SAT_2012_seq_all_10fold_f2/fold_1/sat_new_test.times Basic Information on Data: --&gt; Number of Algorithms : 72 --&gt; Number of Features : 32 --&gt; Number of Test-Feature-vectors : 594 --&gt; Number of Test-Time-vectors : 594 Main Options: -&gt; Trained model: model.pickle Multi-output ET; ntrees=10 Test-Instances : 594.0 n-Solved : 580.0 Percentage solved : 97.64 Geometric-Mean (shifted by 10) : 18.64 Runtime-Mean : 137.38 Runtime-Mean-On-Solved : 92.42 PAR-1 : 137.38 PAR-5 : 325.93 PAR-10 : 561.62 VBS-Solved : 594.0 VBS-Percentage solved : 100.00 VBS-Mean : 59.16 VBS-Geometric-Mean (shifted by 10) : 10.16 Testing time : 1.79</pre>

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