Casbin-editor is a web-based Casbin model and policy editor. It’s based on React + TypeScript.
Use the Casbin-editor to write your Casbin model and policy in your web browser.
It provides functionality such as syntax highlighting and code completion, just like an IDE for a programming language.
Casbin-editor is a pure frontend Javascript project. It uses node-casbin to perform policy enforcement. It’s notable that node-casbin can be used either in frontend Javascript or Node.js.
This project can be viewed as an example for using node-casbin in the browser.
The generated static pages will be pushed into gh-pages branch of origin and published in GitHub Pages ( The Casbin official site ( uses iframe to embed the published GitHub pages.
Casbin-editor is a web-based Casbin model and policy editor. It’s based on React + TypeScript.
Use the Casbin-editor to write your Casbin model and policy in your web browser. It provides functionality such as syntax highlighting and code completion, just like an IDE for a programming language.
Try it at either:
How it works?
Casbin-editor is a pure frontend Javascript project. It uses node-casbin to perform policy enforcement. It’s notable that node-casbin can be used either in frontend Javascript or Node.js.
This project can be viewed as an example for using node-casbin in the browser.
Getting started
Open browser: http://localhost:3000/
The generated static pages will be pushed into
branch oforigin
and published in GitHub Pages ( The Casbin official site ( uses iframe to embed the published GitHub pages.