
1. OmicsSuite Introduction

OmicsSuite (https://github.com/OmicsSuite/), original name BioSciTools, a desktop program developed based on Java 11, aims to make new exploration and contribution to the development of bioinformatics, and realize data analysis and visualization in the fields of sequence analysis, multimomics (transcriptomics, genomics, protein omics, metabonomics, single cell), microbiology, clinical, etc. The program inherits the excellent interactive components, perfect analysis function and beautiful operation interface of HiPlot (https://hiplot.cn), which I developed based VUE.js and Node.js, etc.

BioSciTools - BioSciTools for biology and bioinformatics researchers | Product Hunt

2. Meta Information

OmicsSuite Release Repository: https://github.com/OmicsSuite/OmicsSuite.github.io

OmicsSuite Release Website: https://omicssuite.github.io

OmicsSuite Download1 (GithubRelease): https://github.com/OmicsSuite/OmicsSuite.github.io/releases/download/v1.3.8/OmicsSuite-v1.3.8.exe

OmicsSuite Download2 (SourceForge): https://sourceforge.net/projects/omicssuite-github-io/files/latest/download

OmicsSuite Download3 (AliyunDrive): https://www.aliyundrive.com/s/Defuhf7FVGw

3. Update History

OmicsSuite Update History: _https://mp.weixin.qq.com/mp/appmsgalbum?__biz=MzI4OTEwNzI5NA==&action=getalbum&album_id=2601226535738277888#wechat_redirect_

4. OmicsSuite Apps Overview

OmicsSuite Apps Overview


BioSciTools: (Bioinformatics Science Tools), a desktop program developed based on Java 11, aims to make new exploration and contribution to the development of bioinformatics, and realize data analysis

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