If you are using the dataset, please cite the following paper: H. Liu, M. Shen, J. Zhu, N. Niu, G. Li and L. Zhang, “Deep Learning Based Program Generation from Requirements Text: Are We There Yet?,” in IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, doi: 10.1109/TSE.2020.3018481. Available at: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9173704
There are Seven folders: AssistantTools , DatasetInSQL, Dataset, TestCases, Tools, CodeOfApproaches and GeneratedPrograms.
/Dataset contains the programming tasks and their corresponding implementations in different programming languages. Each subfolder under /Datset corresponds to a single programming task. Notably, we do not include the commercial script to crawl data.
/TestCases contains the test cases for the programming tasks in folder /Dataset. The names of the subfolders in /TestCases specify the names of the programming tasks. According to such names you may find the corresponding tasks under /Dataset. Notably, such test cases are collected from programming contest websites, and we do not leverage test case generation tools.
/Tools contains the source code of our tool kit.
/GeneratedPrograms contains the programs generated by each approach.
/CodeOfApproaches Implementation of evaluated approaches.
/DatasetInSQL: This folder is composed of a database that contains the whole dataset (Python programs only).
In case your approach is specially designed for Python, this database is strongly suggested for usage (compated to the /Dataset folder).
How to use the database:
Retrieving original data (without preprocessing)
RetrieveTasks(): Returns the description (requirements) of all tasks, each requirement is a text string
SQL: select question from question
RetrieveTask(ID): Return the task description of the specified ID
SQL: select question from question where numId = ID
RetreiveImplementations():Return all codes, and each code corresponds to a python file.
SQL:select code from code
RetreiveImplementations(ID):Return all codes corresponding to the specified topic id, and each code corresponds to a python file. s
SQL: select code from code where numId = ID
Retrieving processed data (preprocessing includes word segmentation and standarlization, et al.)
RetrieveTasks(): Returns the description (requirements) of all tasks, each requirement is a text string
SQL: select question from process_question
RetrieveTask(ID): Return the task description of the specified ID
SQL: select question from process_question where numId = ID
RetreiveImplementations():Return all codes, and each code corresponds to a python file.
SQL:select code from process_code
RetreiveImplementations(ID):Return all codes corresponding to the specified topic id, and each code corresponds to a python file.
SQL: select code from process_code where numId = ID
RetreiveTestCasess(ID):Returns the test case corresponding to the specified question id.
SQL:select input,output from testcase where numId= ID
/AssistantTools: This folder contains tools to calculate the BLEU, and to detect compilation errors in generated programs.
1.ComputeBLEU(pred, refer): Retrun BLEU between the generated code pred and the reference code refer
2.ComputeBLEU2(pred,refers):Retrun BLEU of code pred according to a series of refer
3.hasCompilerErrors(File name):Check whether the code has static and dynamic compilation errors
4.PreProcessALL(File requirements, File implements): Preprocess related requirements and programs
<<<<<<< HEAD
Contests based Dataset for Code Generation
If you are using the dataset, please cite the following paper: H. Liu, M. Shen, J. Zhu, N. Niu, G. Li and L. Zhang, “Deep Learning Based Program Generation from Requirements Text: Are We There Yet?,” in IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, doi: 10.1109/TSE.2020.3018481. Available at: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9173704
There are Seven folders: AssistantTools , DatasetInSQL, Dataset, TestCases, Tools, CodeOfApproaches and GeneratedPrograms.
/Dataset contains the programming tasks and their corresponding implementations in different programming languages. Each subfolder under /Datset corresponds to a single programming task. Notably, we do not include the commercial script to crawl data.
/TestCases contains the test cases for the programming tasks in folder /Dataset. The names of the subfolders in /TestCases specify the names of the programming tasks. According to such names you may find the corresponding tasks under /Dataset. Notably, such test cases are collected from programming contest websites, and we do not leverage test case generation tools.
/Tools contains the source code of our tool kit.
/GeneratedPrograms contains the programs generated by each approach.
/CodeOfApproaches Implementation of evaluated approaches.
/DatasetInSQL: This folder is composed of a database that contains the whole dataset (Python programs only).
In case your approach is specially designed for Python, this database is strongly suggested for usage (compated to the /Dataset folder).
How to use the database:
Retrieving original data (without preprocessing)
RetrieveTasks(): Returns the description (requirements) of all tasks, each requirement is a text string
SQL: select question from question
RetrieveTask(ID): Return the task description of the specified ID
SQL: select question from question where numId = ID
RetreiveImplementations():Return all codes, and each code corresponds to a python file.
SQL:select code from code
RetreiveImplementations(ID):Return all codes corresponding to the specified topic id, and each code corresponds to a python file. s
SQL: select code from code where numId = ID
Retrieving processed data (preprocessing includes word segmentation and standarlization, et al.)
RetrieveTasks(): Returns the description (requirements) of all tasks, each requirement is a text string
SQL: select question from process_question
RetrieveTask(ID): Return the task description of the specified ID
SQL: select question from process_question where numId = ID
RetreiveImplementations():Return all codes, and each code corresponds to a python file.
SQL:select code from process_code
RetreiveImplementations(ID):Return all codes corresponding to the specified topic id, and each code corresponds to a python file.
SQL: select code from process_code where numId = ID
RetreiveTestCasess(ID):Returns the test case corresponding to the specified question id.
SQL:select input,output from testcase where numId= ID
/AssistantTools: This folder contains tools to calculate the BLEU, and to detect compilation errors in generated programs.
1.ComputeBLEU(pred, refer): Retrun BLEU between the generated code pred and the reference code refer
2.ComputeBLEU2(pred,refers):Retrun BLEU of code pred according to a series of refer
3.hasCompilerErrors(File name):Check whether the code has static and dynamic compilation errors
4.PreProcessALL(File requirements, File implements): Preprocess related requirements and programs
5.PreProcessReq(File requirements, File implements): Preprocess requirements (tasks)
6.PreProcessImp(File requirements, File implements): Preprocess the program