
RCD: Risky Clone Detection

This is a project for finding factors related to bad clones.

Install environments:

  • git:
  • python:
    • create python virtual environment based on Anaconda using command conda create -n bad_clone python=3.7.11.
    • activate the environment using command conda activate bad_clone
    • install dependent python packages using command pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Mysql:
    • this project uses Mysql 8.0.30
    • copy the configuration template and rename it using commandcp ./config.template.yml ./config.yml
    • set the section of the config with the hints in the template
  • Java
    • To run the clone detector NIL, jdk 1.8+ is needed.

run the project

  1. Start collecting data for repositories by running the following commands:

    git clone https://gitlink.org.cn/MillerEvan/bad_clone_prediction.git
    cp repos.example repos # You need to add your own repositories in the repos file
    conda activate bad_clone
    python RCDMain.py
  2. Delete the data for specific repositories:

    cp delete_repos.example delete_repos # You need to add your own repositories in the delete_repos file
    python deleteProject.py


44.4 MB
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