If you want to contribute, please open a pull request against the develop branch.
pip install pubnub
Examples and instructions for the SDK are available in their accompanying README.md, migration.md and examples directories under their specific platform directories:
Pubnub console is a command line app which allows you to do various
pubnub operations like publish, subscribe, getting history, here now,
presence etc from command line
PubNub Python SDK
PubNub Real-time Data Network
Clients for Python, including Twisted and Tornado
Examples and instructions for the SDK are available in their accompanying README.md, migration.md and examples directories under their specific platform directories:
Standalone Python - Everyday python for your scripts and apps
Tornado - For use with the Python Tornado Framework
Twisted - For use with the Python Twisted Framework
Migration and Reversion
If you need to revert to the previous version of PubNub, run this commandline:
Migration information for the SDK are available in their migration.md under their specific platform directories:
Migration docs for Python Standalone are found here.
Migration docs for Tornado are found here.
Migration docs for Twisted found here.
Pubnub Console
Pubnub console is a command line app which allows you to do various pubnub operations like publish, subscribe, getting history, here now, presence etc from command line
Contact support@pubnub.com for all questions