Argo Workflows is an open source container-native workflow engine for orchestrating parallel jobs on Kubernetes. Argo
Workflows is implemented as a Kubernetes CRD (Custom Resource Definition).
Define workflows where each step in the workflow is a container.
Model multi-step workflows as a sequence of tasks or capture the dependencies between tasks using a directed acyclic
graph (DAG).
Easily run compute intensive jobs for machine learning or data processing in a fraction of the time using Argo
Workflows on Kubernetes.
These manifests are intended to help you get started quickly. They contain hard-coded passwords that are publicly available and are not suitable in production.
Workflow templating to store commonly used Workflows in the cluster
Archiving Workflows after executing for later access
Scheduled workflows using cron
Server interface with REST API (HTTP and GRPC)
DAG or Steps based declaration of workflows
Step level input & outputs (artifacts/parameters)
Timeouts (step & workflow level)
Retry (step & workflow level)
Resubmit (memoized)
Suspend & Resume
K8s resource orchestration
Exit Hooks (notifications, cleanup)
Garbage collection of completed workflow
Scheduling (affinity/tolerations/node selectors)
Volumes (ephemeral/existing)
Parallelism limits
Daemoned steps
DinD (docker-in-docker)
Script steps
Event emission
Prometheus metrics
Multiple executors
Multiple pod and workflow garbage collection strategies
Automatically calculated resource usage per step
Java/Golang/Python SDKs
Pod Disruption Budget support
Single-sign on (OAuth2/OIDC)
Webhook triggering
Out-of-the box and custom Prometheus metrics
Windows container support
Embedded widgets
Multiplex log viewer
Community Meetings
We host monthly community meetings where we and the community showcase demos and discuss the current and future state of
the project. Feel free to join us! For Community Meeting information, minutes and recordings
please see here.
Participation in the Argo Workflows project is governed by
the CNCF Code of Conduct
What is Argo Workflows?
Argo Workflows is an open source container-native workflow engine for orchestrating parallel jobs on Kubernetes. Argo Workflows is implemented as a Kubernetes CRD (Custom Resource Definition).
Argo is a Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) hosted project.
Use Cases
Why Argo Workflows?
Read what people said in our latest survey
Try Argo Workflows
Access the demo environment (login using Github)
View the docs
Just some of the projects that use or rely on Argo Workflows:
Client Libraries
Check out our Java, Golang and Python clients.
The following commands install Argo Workflows as well as some commmonly used components:
Who uses Argo Workflows?
Official Argo Workflows user list
Community Meetings
We host monthly community meetings where we and the community showcase demos and discuss the current and future state of the project. Feel free to join us! For Community Meeting information, minutes and recordings please see here.
Participation in the Argo Workflows project is governed by the CNCF Code of Conduct
Community Blogs and Presentations
Project Resources