Rewrite README
Example Implementation of GAN in jittor.
Simple generator of MNIST Digits.
执行以下命令安装 python 依赖
pip install -r requirements.txt
感谢《计算机图形学基础》课程,感谢头歌平台,感谢 GitLink 代码托管平台。
This repository contains the code for the WarmUp Competition for Jittor-3.
An argment called --predict is added to read the .pkl in the root directory and output the prediction directly.
By c7w, 高焕昂, 2020010951, 计04 @ THU His team is called GAN!
使用 Jittor 实现的 MNIST 手写数字生成器,GAN! 队伍参加挑战赛的热身赛开源代码
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WarmUp - GAN!
Example Implementation of GAN in jittor.
Simple generator of MNIST Digits.
执行以下命令安装 python 依赖
感谢《计算机图形学基础》课程,感谢头歌平台,感谢 GitLink 代码托管平台。
WarmUp Competition for Jittor-3
This repository contains the code for the WarmUp Competition for Jittor-3.
An argment called
is added to read the.pkl
in the root directory and output the prediction directly.By c7w, 高焕昂, 2020010951, 计04 @ THU His team is called GAN!