author = {Sun, Jingling and Su, Ting and Li, Junxin and Dong, Zhen and Pu, Geguang and Xie, Tao and Su, Zhendong},
title = {Understanding and Finding System Setting-Related Defects in Android Apps},
year = {2021},
isbn = {9781450384599},
publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery},
address = {New York, NY, USA},
url = {https://doi.org/10.1145/3460319.3464806},
doi = {10.1145/3460319.3464806},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 30th ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis},
pages = {204–215},
numpages = {12},
keywords = {Testing, Setting, Empirical study, Android},
location = {Virtual, Denmark},
series = {ISSTA 2021}
Getting Started
Running SetDroid via Virtual Machine
You need to enable virtualization technology in your computer’s BIOS, see this link for how to enable virtualization technology in the computer. Some computers have turned on virtualization by default.
Your computer needs at least 16G of memory, and at least 40G of storage.
VirtualBox: we built our artifact by using version 6.1.20.
Download the zip file from this link, and extract it.
Open VirtualBox, click “File”, click “Import Appliance”, then select the file named “SetDroid.ova” from the extracted contents (this step will take about five to ten minutes to complete).
After the import is completed, you should see “vm” as one of the listed VMs in your VirtualBox.
If you want to run the virtual machine more smoothly, you can click “Setting”, click “Display”, and then increase the value of “Video Memory” according to your situation.
Run the virtual machine. The username and the password are both “setdroid”.
If you could not run the VM with “Nested VT-x/AMD-V” option enabled in VirtualBox, it may be because that you did not disable the Hyper-V option. You can disable Hyper-V launch temporarily. See this link for more information about that.
If you want to copy & paste from host to “vm”, you can open the terminal and execute the following command (you may not need to do so, because the virtual machine already contains all the files needed to run the tool):
Wait for the first Android emulator to start. After the emulator is successfully started, return to the command-line interface, press enter, and then execute the following command:
Wait for the second Android emulator to start. After the emulator is successfully started, return to the command-line interface, press enter, and then execute the following command:
cd /home/setdroid/SetDroid/Tool
Then execute the following command (this step will take about five to ten minutes to complete):
At this point, SetDroid will start to run a round of example policy (Oracle checking rule I -immediate -display -1) on the example app ( A2DP Volume), which contains 50 events.
The target app can be modified by the configuration parameter -app_path. The number of runs can be modified by the configuration parameter -testcase_count. The number of events contained in each test can be modified by the configuration parameter -event_num. Setting change strategy can be changed through the configuration parameter -append_strategy. You can also add more strategies to make them be executed in sequence.
For example, the following command represents the sequential execution of two strategies (Oracle checking rule I - lazy - permission) and (Oracle checking rule II - language) on Amaze. Each strategy is executed 10 times, and each test contains 100 events (this command will take about one to two hours to complete, and you can interrupt the command through Ctrl-C at any time):
We use some libraries (uiautomator2, androguard, cv2, langid, numpy) provided by python, you can add them as prompted, for example:
pip3 install langid
Setting up
You can create an emulator before running SetDroid. See this link for how to create avd using avdmanager.
The following sample command will help you create an emulator, which will help you to start using SetDroid quickly:
If you have downloaded our project and configured the environment, you only need to enter download_path/tool to execute our sample app with the following command:
SetDroid provides several ways to test android apps by command lines. You need to view configuration help through the following commands and change them.
python3 start.py --help
Detailed Description
All Optional Parameters of SetDroid
-pro_click The proportion of click events, which is 45% by default.
-pro_longclick The proportion of long-press events, which is 25% by default.
-pro_scroll The proportion of scroll events, which is 5% by default.
-pro_home The proportion of click home button events, which is 0% by default.
-pro_edit The proportion of edit events, which is 15% by default.
-pro_naturalscreen The proportion of rotating to natural events, which is 1% by default.
-pro_leftscreen The proportion of rotating to left events, which is 8% by default.
-pro_back The proportion of click back button events, which is 1% by default.
-pro_splitscreen The proportion of split-screen events, which is 0% by default.
-app_path the APK address of the app you want to test.
-append_device The serial numbers of devices used in the test, which can be obtained by executing “adb devices” in the terminal.
-android_system The Android system of the test device, At present, only Android 8.0 system is supported.
-root_path The storage path of the output file.
-resource_path The path of the resource file that you want to import into the test devices in advance.
-testcase_count The number of rounds that you want to test for each strategy.
-event_num The number of events in per round of test.
-setting_random_denominator Used to adjust the frequency of setting change event insertion.
-append_strategy The strategies that you want to use (multiple test strategies can be executed in sequence), currently, the supported strategies are as follows, corresponding to the 14 strategies listed in Table 5 of the paper.
Strategy name
Oracle rule
Injection strategy
Pair of events for setting changes
⟨turn on airplane, turn off airplane⟩
⟨turn on airplane, turn off airplane⟩
⟨switch to mobile data, switch to Wi-Fi⟩
⟨turn off location, turn on location⟩
⟨switch to “device only”, switch to “high accuracy”⟩
⟨turn on “do not disturb”, turn off “do not disturb”⟩
⟨turn on the power saving mode, add the app into the whitelist⟩
⟨turn on the power saving mode, turn off the power saving mode⟩
⟨switch to landscape, switch to portrait⟩
⟨turn on multi-window, turn off multi-window⟩
⟨turn off permission, turn on permission⟩
⟨turn on “Don’t keep activities”, turn off “Don’t keep activities”⟩
The output path of the tool is in /home/setdroid/SetDroid/Root.
The result files of each app are classified and stored in /home/setdroid/SetDroid/Root.
Open the folder of an app, and you will see the result files of each strategy for this app are stored by category.
Open the folder corresponding to a strategy, and you will see an error_realtime.txt file, a wrong_realtime.txt file, and many numbered folders correspond to each round of test results.
Open a numbered folder, and you can see a read_trace.txt file, a trace.txt file, an i_trace.html file, and a folder named screen.
Open the screen folder, and you can see the screenshot of each step and the corresponding interface layout information file.
Next, I will introduce the content and use of each file.
This file records the sequences that trigger the setting defects, which start with Start::run_count::y (x means the x-th error and Y means the error was captured during the y-th round of execution), and end with End::
This file records the sequences that trigger the suspected setting defects.
This file records the execution sequence of SetDroid, which is easy for SetDroid users to read.
This file records the execution sequence of SetDroid, which can be read and replayed by SetDroid.
This file records the sequence of screenshots after each step, which is arranged horizontally. The events executed at each step are marked on the screenshot. After opening the file in the browser, there is a drag bar at the bottom, which can drag horizontally to view the whole sequence. When the error is captured, the screenshot is marked with a red frame. When the two interfaces are different, the screen capture is marked with a yellow frame.
Tool Extension
If someone wants to extend the artifact, they can modify it in the following position of the tool.
Add settings change strategy
Add a new setting change function in injector.py, and add calls to it to change_setting_before_run or inject_setting_during_run as needed.
Add seed test generation policy
Add a new exploration class according to RandomPolicy class in policy.py, and inherit the Policy class
Add a new check condition
Add a new check function in check.py and call it in the corresponding position in the executor.py
SetDroid Prototype
[1] “Understanding and Finding System Setting-Related Defects in Android Apps“ by Jingling Sun, Ting Su, Junxin Li, Zhen Dong, Geguang Pu, Tao Xie and Zhendong Su. The 30th ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis (ISSTA 2021)
Getting Started
Running SetDroid via Virtual Machine
Setting up (video tutorial)
Run (video tutorial)
. The number of runs can be modified by the configuration parameter-testcase_count
. The number of events contained in each test can be modified by the configuration parameter-event_num
. Setting change strategy can be changed through the configuration parameter-append_strategy
. You can also add more strategies to make them be executed in sequence.Ctrl-C
at any time):Building and Running SetDroid From Scratch
Setting up
You can create an emulator before running SetDroid. See this link for how to create avd using avdmanager. The following sample command will help you create an emulator, which will help you to start using SetDroid quickly:
Next, you can start two identical emulators and assign their port numbers with the following commands:
If you have downloaded our project and configured the environment, you only need to enter
to execute our sample app with the following command:SetDroid provides several ways to test android apps by command lines. You need to view configuration help through the following commands and change them.
Detailed Description
All Optional Parameters of SetDroid
The proportion of click events, which is 45% by default.-pro_longclick
The proportion of long-press events, which is 25% by default.-pro_scroll
The proportion of scroll events, which is 5% by default.-pro_home
The proportion of click home button events, which is 0% by default.-pro_edit
The proportion of edit events, which is 15% by default.-pro_naturalscreen
The proportion of rotating to natural events, which is 1% by default.-pro_leftscreen
The proportion of rotating to left events, which is 8% by default.-pro_back
The proportion of click back button events, which is 1% by default.-pro_splitscreen
The proportion of split-screen events, which is 0% by default.-app_path
the APK address of the app you want to test.-append_device
The serial numbers of devices used in the test, which can be obtained by executing “adb devices” in the terminal.-android_system
The Android system of the test device, At present, only Android 8.0 system is supported.-root_path
The storage path of the output file.-resource_path
The path of the resource file that you want to import into the test devices in advance.-testcase_count
The number of rounds that you want to test for each strategy.-event_num
The number of events in per round of test.-setting_random_denominator
Used to adjust the frequency of setting change event insertion.-append_strategy
The strategies that you want to use (multiple test strategies can be executed in sequence), currently, the supported strategies are as follows, corresponding to the 14 strategies listed in Table 5 of the paper.Description of Output Files (video tutorial)
file, awrong_realtime.txt
file, and many numbered folders correspond to each round of test results.read_trace.txt
file, atrace.txt
file, ani_trace.html
file, and a folder namedscreen
folder, and you can see the screenshot of each step and the corresponding interface layout information file.error_realtime.txt
This file records the sequences that trigger the setting defects, which start with
(x means the x-th error and Y means the error was captured during the y-th round of execution), and end withEnd::
This file records the sequences that trigger the suspected setting defects.
This file records the execution sequence of SetDroid, which is easy for SetDroid users to read.
This file records the execution sequence of SetDroid, which can be read and replayed by SetDroid.
This file records the sequence of screenshots after each step, which is arranged horizontally. The events executed at each step are marked on the screenshot. After opening the file in the browser, there is a drag bar at the bottom, which can drag horizontally to view the whole sequence. When the error is captured, the screenshot is marked with a red frame. When the two interfaces are different, the screen capture is marked with a yellow frame.
Tool Extension
If someone wants to extend the artifact, they can modify it in the following position of the tool.
Add settings change strategy
Add a new setting change function in injector.py, and add calls to it to
as needed.Add seed test generation policy
Add a new exploration class according to
class in policy.py, and inherit thePolicy
classAdd a new check condition
Add a new check function in check.py and call it in the corresponding position in the
Main Maintainers