
1.延年益寿 prolong life 2. 对技巧运用自如 command technique skillfully 3. 持久的魅力 sustained glamour 4. 行政投诉 governmental complaint 5.把头脑塞满回忆 cram memories into head 6.经常性的电脑崩溃 frequent computer crashes 7.专注于新产品研发 concentrate on the development of the new products 8.冲扩照片 enlarge photos 9.抓住机遇谋发展 seize the opportunity for development 10.跨文化交流 cross-cultural communication 11.节目的最后一次排演 the last time to rehearse the program 12.政府采购计划 governmental plans to purchase 13.忠诚可靠 someone is loyal enough to rely on 14.信息的输入和输出 the input and output of information 15.处理危机 deal with the crisis 16. 作案动机 the motivation for the crime 17.积累经验 accumulate experience 18.从失败中汲取教训 aosord lessons from failure

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